what if, right, we made a search engine so good it became the verb for searching, and then we replaced it with a robot with a concussion
new Foreign Policy piece on the bitcoin reserve, not by me but quoting me extensively
oh yeah loved that format, perfect
however, Better Offline makes money
I thought I was looking into the camera, but phones are annoying
if i stop saying "um" all the time that's half an hour less in post right there
with the awful (systems) assistance of self, fasterandworse and jp of this parish
no idea when i'll do another one, this one was 3 hrs faff for 5 min video lol
things I need: a better mic, a chair that doesn't swivel
only from that article lol
I've read Masnick for over 20 years and he's never learnt to write coherently. At least this one isn't blaming Europe.
he started writing about this stuff and it struck a chord with people
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yeah that's the tell