A friend is having a birthday on Saturday , so we're gonna have a night out 😃
Asså, vem är det som vill ha det här? Befolkningen verkar ju vara stort emot. Vad är politikerna ute efter ens?
I think this is music, it even has a proper beat, although some weird backkick 7/33 or something. By the other posters description I imagined something way more extreme haha
Still disgusting, but a bit less. Still pretty revolting though!
Your title has caused Alanis Morisettes Ironic to get stuck in my head 🙁
Eh, it's not like you can do anything about it. Why worry?
This looks promising, way more promising than any other cure for MS I've read about
Yeah,and if I'm too hot I can take a layer, or my beanie(I think that's the right word?), or whatever off
I would get killed by a Worm with a Bazooka, unless it's my turn first and I manage to kill it before it kills me.
His head is too big to get through the handles without considerable effort, fortunately
I've been playing Wreckfest for a few years. Great fun, perfect balance between arcade and realism. Multiplayer lobbies in that game are a blast, so chaotic 😃