This. So don’t just put a bag over your head. The CO2 buildup will make you feel how you suffocate. Just order a gas mask like thing (hardware store, medical suppplier, scuba gear,…) and make it so you breathe nitrogen, but exhale the used air to the atmosphere.
Well, who is using mysql/mariadb nowadays anyways? If you haven’t made the switch to at least postgres in the past 5 years, you messed up anyways.
Who says CIG ever wanted to publish a game in the first place? It always has been a “Game Development as a Service”
If someone is actually trying to convict you just based on the correlation of the connection times, you probably don’t just share a copyrighted movie. So why mentioning this as an actual threat in the first place?
Serious question: is there a way to get access to medical imagery as a non-student? I would love to do some machine learning with it myself, as I see lot’s of potential in image analysis in general. 5 years ago I created a model that was able to spot certain types of ships based only on satellite imagery, which were not easily detectable by eye and ignoring the fact that one human cannot scan 15k images in one hour. Similar use case with medical imagery - seeing the things that are not yet detectable by human eyes.
Ok now I‘m considering switching from Bitwarden
Don’t forget: *.xyz domains can be taken away from you without warning. The registry did this before. Might want to switch.
Es gibt Leute die den Schwamm ausdrücken? Ihr verliert dadurch das ganze Aroma!!!
I have no idea what you smoked, but 25Gbps (Gigabits per second) is 3.125GBps (Gigabytes per second)
I host my own Simplelogin instance and generate a new address for every service. Combined with Bitwarden, I now have a unique address and password combination for each account.
I hate charts where they use the absolute numbers for coloring. Obviously bigger countries will have more people and thus had more casualties. If you calculate the percentage already, use that number for coloring. why on earth would you use a title like that? It‘s just plain wrong. The project switched to a different license. It is still free and still open source.