Roswitha macht eh nicht mehr lange. Die Kinder können vielleicht irgendwann eigene Kinder in einer autofreien Straße haben.
Do not ever start that PhD, and keep on passing on shit you are not interested in. Especially when others say they are too good of an opportunity to pass. Otherwise keep going, little dude!
Valid point, that's what makes it even more dystopian. The most in your face example of "you have to be able to afford privacy".
How about giving them a raise in pay, and if they really want it, they can buy the ping-pong table out of their own pocket flips desk
Same. Glad it gets completely disabled once ads are gone.
Wahnsinn. Das unterschätzt man total 😕 Ich erinnere mich mal, im Meer gewesen zu sein, nicht weit weg vom (unbeaufsichtigen) Strand. Die Wellen wurden auf einmal riesig, und mir war für ein paar Minuten nicht klar, ob ich mich trotz heftigem Schwimmen auf der Stelle, zum Strand, oder vom Strand weg bewege. Eine absolute Lektion!
It was sync for reddit before 😉
Where does that weird Win- and Android only compatibility come from? Will have to pass :(
And now you are - life is mysterious and absolutely wonderful sometimes!
You could blame yourself for not looking in that direction. 🤷
Thank you for your work, it is absolutely informative and delightful to use the site!
"What is an industry" is my favorite.