I also have a user for your partner
joined 2 months ago
every worthwhile link on how to implement your own squeeblerizer is dead and approximately 40% archived
I think I mentioned it but here it is again in case the comment didnt federate
click to enlarge
# snippet based on end4 dotfiles -- FIXME edge case where a
# preexisting tmp.png might be overwritten
# English
bind = Super+Shift,T,exec,grim -g "$(slurp $SLURP_ARGS)" "tmp.png" && tesseract -l eng "tmp.png" - | wl-copy && rm "tmp.png"
# Korean
bind = Super+Shift,K,exec,grim -g "$(slurp $SLURP_ARGS)" "tmp.png" && tesseract -l kor "tmp.png" - | wl-copy && rm "tmp.png"
# Japanese
bind = Super+Shift,J,exec,grim -g "$(slurp $SLURP_ARGS)" "tmp.png" && tesseract -l jpn "tmp.png" - | wl-copy && rm "tmp.png"
Pipe grim and slurp (selects part of the Wayland screen then copies) into a tmp.png, tesseract it into the clipboard, then delete the tmp.png. Has like 1 sec of lag tho :]
What's a unique customization on your Linux machine you think no one else has?
Goldman Sachs is such a nutty name. Imagine working at Compman Uters or Shrimpman Friedrice.
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No, no, it's fine -- I saw a Python2 sample squeeblimator that was never fully fleshed out. I just need to rewrite it... dodge the deprecations... use a few list comprehensions...
The next dev 5 years in the future: wtf is this?