
joined 1 month ago
[–] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Yes, they will try to devalue the dollar compared to other currencies.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago
[–] 1 points 3 days ago
[–] 1 points 3 days ago

It makes about 20% of a sunny day.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Germany will get west of the Urals, and the USA will get east of the Urals.

[–] 10 points 4 days ago

Some states have both!

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Yeah. Maybe call it microtransactions. Or maybe make it a game where you get "stickers" you can post on videos you like. "Stickers" being the equivalent of a like with your avatar posted somewhere on the video page.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (3 children)

When I look at the trending videos on YouTube, it makes me want to become a hermit and have no contact with society, the videos are so bad. I think the money side of YouTube has totally corrupted it.

As a PeerTube creator, I make videos as a way to teach/inform/entertain, not to make money. One way to make PeerTube work is to find a way to fund the hosts/instances that transcode and store the video files.

It would be interesting to create a crypto coin and have PeerTube users, both creators and viewers, to buy a small amount of the coin (a few dollars worth) when they register, then each video that they watch costs a small fraction of a coin paid to the instance hosting the video, and the viewer could add a tip to the creator if they liked the video. The amount paid to the instance might be an approximation of the cost to host the video. Accumulating the coin might be a game not an income source for the creators, but there might be enough money to fund the instances with this scheme.

There certainly is value in quality video that people are willing to pay for. It would be nice to find an alternative to advertising based video.

Another side of video that YouTube is not doing a good job at is creating community. The comment section is hard to follow, impossible to search, and it is transient, as new videos are created, comments on old videos disappear. I don't know how to do it, but creating a forum or a lemmy group for each creator or each video interest group with multiple creators involved would be extremely powerful.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

You are looking at step 1 when you see US actions as related to the federal budget deficit. Step 2 is to reduce the trade deficit and bring home manufacturing and other production. The strategy for Step 2 will be devaluing the $USD.

[–] 6 points 6 days ago


[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Krasnov is lying


By 2045, there will be virtually nothing a human can do that a machine cannot to better for a tiny fraction of the cost. A robot that has a lifetime cost of $10,000, works 22 hours per day, and lasts 5 years would have an hourly marginal cost of just 25 cents. And when robots are building all the robots, they will cost a lot less than $10,000.

The marginal cost of labor will plummet toward zero as adoption of humanoid robots powered by increasingly capable AI explodes across every virtually industry worldwide. Humans simply will not be able to compete.

Join Adam Dorr, RethinkX Director of Research as he relays his latest insight on the inevitable and painful truth of the coming disruption of the human labor engine by AI and humanoid robots...

Visit the RethinkX Website for more groundbreaking insights:

Learn more about the the Disruption of Labor:

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

So the goal of tariffs is to cause an increase in the value of non-US currencies, which will balance out the trade deficit.

I suspect it will split the world into trading blocs.

The classic way to devalue a currency is to print money (increase money supply). But what Trump seems to be doing is reducing government expenditure, which will have a deflationary effect. Tariffs might cause more demand for US products in the US??? which might offset deflation?

I don't really understand how central bankers in non-US countries use $USD. I suppose they buy T-bills and hold them. ??? Apparently this is the underlying problem keeping the $USD high???


Devaluing a currency is a well known strategy to boost exports. But it might also be useful to reduce imports and build up a local economy. I am wondering if anyone has heard of any discussion of plans to manipulate the future value of the $USD? Will the government print money to reduce the cost of its debt?


It’s every international thru-hiker’s worst nightmare: training for a long hike, saving enough money for the trip, and clearing your calendar, only to be stopped at the border and turned back before ever setting foot on US soil — let alone the trail.

Seasoned German thru-hiker and Trek blogger Annika “Ravenclaw” Ananias says that nightmare came true for her — and escalated to a horrifying degree when she attempted to enter the US to hike the Arizona Trail (AZT) last month.

Ananias had expected the journey to be routine, having previously come to the US on a B2 tourist visa in 2022 and 2024 to thru-hike the PCT and CDT, respectively. But upon reaching US passport control this time, she found herself detained, interrogated, and accused of intending to work illegally in the US.

Ananias says she was separated from her American boyfriend, shouted at and mocked by US border officials, and detained overnight in a cold, shared holding cell without access to medication. After 22 hours of incarceration, the hammer fell: despite having broken no laws and holding the same valid B2 visa under which she previously hiked the PCT and CDT, she was deported back to Germany and handed a five-year ban on re-entering the United States.


I am starting to use a RSS feed (Akregator). I intend to use it to follow youtube channels, and try to learn what else it can do. What kind of privacy issues should I be aware of? Are there settings I can use to improve privacy? I use a vpn, is there something else I should do?


Using Mullvad on Linux Mint, I see a number of settings and have no idea what they are for. DAITA, Multihop, Local Network Sharing, API Access. I would like to keep Mullvad VPN on all the time, but still be able to use Freetube and Grayjay. Also not break too many websites, although that seems to be more of a Librewolf setting issue. Can anyone recommend settings for Mullvad that I should be using?


The painful truth is that AI and robots will take our jobs. At the same time, the rise of AI and robots itself will create new jobs. But AI and robots will take those jobs too.

By 2045, there will be virtually nothing a human can do that a machine cannot do better for a tiny fraction of the cost. And this will still prove true (thank goodness) even if individual machines such as humanoid robots aren’t each empowered with fully sapient artificial general intelligence.


Anyone know if it is possible to browse Facebook Marketplace without a login account to Facebook? Are there sites that mirror Marketplace? I don't need to buy or sell, just want to browse what is out there.


Suggestion from across the river. The Detroit River.

  1. Canada should import goods from China without limits or taxes. Canada's cost of living will go down as the Americans learn how stupid tariffs are.
  2. If solar electric power is cheaper than other sources, buy as much cheap solar as the Chinese will send you. Try to reduce your electric costs. Export your hydro power to the US at high rates.
  3. There are cheap electric cars coming from China. Allow them in your market and benefit from low cost environmentally friendly transportation.
  4. If anyone threatens your sovereignty, put a warrant out for their arrest the minute they arrive in Canada, even if they are a government official. Its your sovereignty, gloves off.

Buy Nothing Challenge

I would like to reduce my ecological impact and disassociate from the consumerist mindset. I don't like the direction the US government is taking and I would like to decouple from the US economy.

My challenge is to buy nothing* for one month, and at the end of the month, see if I can continue for another month.

*I will continue to purchase items that I consider necessities.

Necessities that I will buy as required:

YES: Food

YES: Health and medication

YES: Daily necessities (toilet paper, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.)

YES: Bills (phone, rent, insurance, taxes)

YES: Repairs (home, bicycle, vehicle)

YES: Gas/Transportation (walk or bike when you can)

YES: Receiving gifts, trades where no money is exchanged

YES: Camping, hiking, bicycle travel

YES: Giving charity

Items I will avoid purchasing during the challenge:

NO: Fast food, coffee shops, restaurants

NO: Entertainment devices, books, subscriptions

NO: New clothes or impulse purchases

NO: Hair services

NO: Amazon orders, streaming services

NO: Vehicles

NO: Acquisition of things for new hobbies

NO: Use of credit (credit cards or loans)

NO: Hotels, vehicle based travel

NO: Google, Meta, Reddit, X products

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