There aren't?
I absolutely despise airbnb owners, they drive housing and renting houses to the clouds in whichever areas they operate. Extra guillotine for you.
In vim, in normal mode you can do: :w !sudo tee %
Rimworld!!! Stop leaking into lemmy communities!!
Yeah, but if I was a time traveller and knew about the party, I would probably also know it was a trap, right? Why would I walk into the trap?
Indeed Google is named after the googol
We have those in Europe as well, not Hyper commin, but still
Dude that's fiction, a webcomic, not OP necessarily OP venting (though it could certainly be used as a medium)
"Hey Mary" "Yes, Joseph" "So, you are pregnant..." "Yes! I told you so already! It was god!" "Yeah, about that, remember the angel, the other day, Gabriel I think it was... big flaming sword you said right? Was that... was that a metaphor or something?" "..." "I mean, you can tell me, we are in this together Mary, I'd just like to know" "No Joseph, no, he had a physical, real, big throbbing sword!" "Throbbing?" "Flaming, Joseph, flaming... YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME"
It's literally impossible. I've seen programs ask three times to confirm a deletion, with big warnings, really emphasized. Saying it's permanent all three times.
Then the fuckers contacted us at tech support and go all like "hurr durr I just deleted my project can I have it back".
NO YOU LITTLE DIPSHIT YOU CANNOT. We did have backups though, most of the time (if it was recent) but it took well over a couple hours to properly restore, so we only did it if they asked nicely and behaved.
TL;DR People are stupid, no such thing as dump proofing. What needs to be done is hold people to higher standards and force to educate themselves or GTFO.
How is piracy theft for you, as in, what definition of theft are you using?
Yeah, for real, "Someone will 100%, do you want it to be your friends/family/people you know or some absolute random stranger?" Some lemmitors would surely answer "My people, for sure"