damn no wonder i feel so cheap after scrolling a fb feed for an hour
Ugh behead them all
He’s a cuck for god. They go nudist camping on sundays
I plan to throw trumps face on the ground
meanwhile a cis trucker at a truck stop has no problem getting sucked off by a dude in a dress while his highschool sweetheart wife cries with his 10 kids at home.
suprised they didn't just take off the L and the G as well. Or maybe label it "sexually confused straight people". I hate being called confused while these same arseholes can just call me a f*g
Amazing that during bidens regime all i had to do was date a bdsm guy from austria and get labeled a nazi by even work. I dont know how they found out cause he was half a state away and it was a long distance relationship. I still get called it even with elon prancing about. IDGAF musk is a n*zi. Let those karens on toktok get fired.
It used to be a status symbol but anymore nobody cares. Plus lots of movies you can just full screen.
Trash. Meta practically catered to Russian interference. What a great business guy /s
I mean the crash did look almost intentional but as a president he shouldn’t be spreading fear but that’s his core base.
Elon should offer to pay the tariff for new customers.