Plasticbags for bread feel very sus.
They have to watch out for the adblock-block-blocker ²-blocker
Did only external packages change?
Takes a bit to long to start for such simple things like just fixing copy paste formation or testing different keyboards etc.
How does this work
Yea, differenc chassis is something they could improve.
I use OpenSuse on allmost all of my devices so I went for OpenSuse Leap, Had problems setting up nextcloud on MicroOs since it does not support snap.
I am trying to add this to an Character 3D like this
func _on_input_event(camera, event, position, normal, shape_idx):
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT and event.pressed == true:
but it doesn't print anything, it is Ray pickable and the signal is connected
I don't think OpenBSD is Unix, both unix like. For a usecase, I don't know if there even is a scenario where you would want OpenBSD as a desktop user, other than preference. I guess it would feel a bit like gentoo.
I used it with the default formater built in lsp, and it used so much space..
How do you handle python. The default is 3.6 if I remember correctly, but if you upgrade to 3.11 your firewall breaks.
And I would say that I am ready to speculate, that stopping this suffering does not conclude to more.