This is Funny if you think about it because Modern Pizza originates from the USA and Pasta from China
Still there doing stuff, many activists realize after a few years that the impact of protests or even riots often isnt lasting and tend to either stop doing public activisim because they fear backlash, some make it their job and in NGOs where they stagnate because of bueraucracy and some will understand that only change changes things and start to sabotage the things that need said change.
so not only could you target people you dont like to become schizophrenic by making them literaly eating shit, they also could try to narrow it down and eventually find a microbe or product of a microbe that causes schizophrenia. thats pretty cool.
I think it was the name of the new desktop concept introduced with KDE 4 and then got synonymous with the whole DE
Since trump doesnt really negoiate but is just spamming senseless demands in all directions and after agreeing to something doing something completely different, thats actually the only way to communicate with him, I dont like the Iranian regime but everybody should act like that towards Trump