[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 6 points 7 months ago

Funny how at the same time the OCC is trying to push through a change to margin calls that would prevent bankruptcies (and thus shorts closing), Wall Street is trying to convince us that margin debt is decreasing and there's nothing but continuous gains for the future of our stock market.


A persistent decline in margin debt suggests that a red flag from the meme-stock mania of 2021 is currently non-existent.

If that's the case, then the proposed rule SR-OCC-2024-001 is completely unnecessary and irrelevant. Why would they even propose this if margin debt is so low?

The fact is they hid all the margin debt in dark pools and swaps, and they are bullshitting us. By all rights these banks and hedge funds should have gone bankrupt already, and they are shitting themselves in fear knowing that a day will come when their debts come due.

While they are posting bullshit articles like this to compel us to give up, they crawl on hands and knees to the regulatory agencies and beg for leniency. That's what SR-OCC-2024-001 is. It's a pathetic cry for help from a self-entitled baby who doesn't want his pretty little ass spanked by daddy.

I agree OP. Don't bow. They lie and lie and lie, and while it is frustrating that they can seemingly refuse to pay their debts indefinitely, they are not all-powerful and the only thing we need to do to win this is hold.

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 4 points 10 months ago

Also if you're looking for a good email provider, Hushmail is a privacy-oriented email that can encrypt emails for safekeeping. They are hosted in Canada, and they also allow you to create email aliases (fake emails) that you can use for specific purposes and messages to the aliases are sent to your normal inbox. These are great if you want to contact someone or sign up for something and don't want to give out your actual email address.

I changed to hushmail when lavabit was shut down back in the day. I hear lavabit was brought back online after a while but I wasn't going to wait around without a functional email address in the meantime.

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 5 points 10 months ago

They have a thread about the sub being more cult-like but the author explicitely makes a point to say it's not the mods.


The mods banned anyone who doesn't think and speak specifically how they want. Of course it looks like a cult now.

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 24 points 11 months ago

We would lock the float very quickly.

I think Q3 is going to be profitable but I don't think the price will rise after the earnings call. Instead I expect more BS from the MSM and the price will plummet in an attempt to break the ape's hold on the stock.

They're just digging their own grave. This trajectory isn't sustainable. The rate of DRS is just going to skyrocket.

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 7 points 11 months ago

The fact that Cohen is personally invested in Gamestop was a contributing factor behind why I decided to go all-in on GME instead of cashing out at a loss.

That and the fact that Gamestop isn't in debt, has over a billion cash on hand, is expanding its online storefront and built distribution centers for online sales, and is building a digital games storefront with PLAYR.

They're in a good financial position, have great leadership, and are making all the right decisions.

So why is Gamestop constantly being bashed by the media? Why have all these investor websites who previously didn't bat an eye when retail lost money, suddenly so concerned about my investment in Gamestop?

They aren't half as smart as they think they are. Money has been raining on fools for far too long and it's time the fools lost their money.


The price drop is because of market manipulation and the current price doesn't represent fundamentals. We all know GME is worth more.

But the price has been gradually decreasing ever since the January 2021 sneeze and this thread over at SS suggests the line reaches 0 around 1/1/2024.


I don't think it will actually hit 0 but I know I'm going to be buying more in November and December.

Point is don't let this rattle you. I bought my first share at $448.30 so why wouldn't I buy more at $1?

The finish line isn't out of reach any more. We're going to lock the float, and we're going to do it fast. Buckle your seatbelts.

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 12 points 11 months ago

Caeser2021 5 hr. ago Your point about the burnout and mods, there was never ever any interaction on mod selection, in fact if my memory serves me, there were instances where it was brought up by the community how the Mod team had grown and how people were selected for it.

So with all due respect, the community hasn't asked the mods to do anything, because the community had no knowledge or input on their selection.

jackofspades123 3 hr. ago I encourage you to read the open transparency threads in the discord. You might find them interesting and eye opening.

^ THAT Why should members of a subreddit have to sign up to a discord in order to be involved in the selection of a mod on their subreddit? This is like the Vogons in Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. "How could you not know that your planet was going to be bulldozed? The relevant form was hung in the Intergalactic Bureau of Space Administration's office for the past two years!"

The people running the place have to work for the federal government. Only the feds could set up this level of compartmentalization.



Outside of the SCC I have found that many try to "hold the mods accountable" and few know how to do that when a power dynamic is involved, let alone the emotion they bring to that intent. This is noble at face value but the damage from failed attempts is great. There is more of an equal footing within the SCC that allows for calmer and more rational talks for this purpose.

We have many discussions ahead of us, most of which cannot be resolved through walls of text like this. The mods have shown me that they are genuine in their love for the sub but, over time and with enough corrosive intent from trolls and bad actors, that love can be twisted into something it should not resemble. There must be voices to counteract this over time.

It is my belief that many things need to change for our overall community to return to a peaceful and sustainable path and that the road to get those changes is arduous, tedious, and well worth it. We currently have the ability to resolve core differences with relatively little drama. From there we can talk about what we need to see from each other in order to come around on key topics.

We can discuss what information we need to convince outsiders to become insiders to this saga, and how to obtain that critical information. It is my belief we must slowly and carefully expand and support each other in the projects we undertake. We must decentralize while remaining connected both here and in our friend lists.

Nobody is entirely opposed, and few are even partially opposed, to this overall thought process. When approached with reason and humanity everyone is receptive.

lol lmao

The shitheads running that sub won't ever give up power, and even if they did, what happens to all the apes who were banned?

They've been silencing people for nearly 3 years now. That's a lot of people who would need to be unbanned.

Personally, I don't buy the "stand alone complex" crap he's pushing. I resent the leaders of this movement and I will make a point to never have anything to do with them ever again. In the future, anything they stand for I will stand against.

The only reason we're on the same side right now is because I'm invested in the MOASS and I want to get paid.

There is no possibility for us to ever be friends. That bridge was burned when the SS mods chose to act like assholes and silence their supposed "movement" for 3 years straight. They aren't leading this movement, they have just taken it hostage.

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It's dropping towards $15 so today I transferred money to my account in Fidelity. Going to buy the dip and DRS. As long as it stays under $16 I should end up with 300 fully booked in Computershare. Never thought I would get this many. Ken is really stupid. He should lay off the mayo and consider a low cholesterol diet. Might clear up his mental fog.

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 2 points 1 year ago

The stonk tracker at https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com still shows the remaining float that hasn't been locked. But I miss the pie chart that computershared.net used to have.

It sucks that it shut down.

I agree I think it was because bad actors on wall street didn't want the peasants to know that certain groups are increasing their ownership.

If we saw insiders, or institutions, or mutual funds suddenly buy a lot more, we would be able to look deeper into that and learn things. They threw a wrench into that.

I'd love to see someone else make a duplicate website that does the same thing.

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 3 points 1 year ago

Kudos! This is a great resource.

Why isn't something like this pinned at any of the GME subreddits?

:slowly dawning horror:

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 4 points 1 year ago

I was hoping it would be integrated into PLAYR. This is disappointing but I have hopes that PLAYR will be the final nail in the coffin of of the bears and that the company becomes increasingly more profitable after it launches.

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 8 points 1 year ago

I hope everyone who was using Mainstar is able to re-DRS their shares.

[-] iofhua@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 2 points 1 year ago

I liked the reverse repo update and the short volume & short interest updates. I liked the shares available to borrow updates and the utilization updates. I think all of these together helped paint a picture. It's odd that short interest is falling. Why is GME suddenly not at 100% utilization anymore? Why did computershared.net go down? Did someone sell off shares and they're trying to cover it up?

I still think MOASS is going to happen regardless - if there is not price increase then the shorts haven't closed. They've been shorting GME every day for the past 3 years. When they finally do close the price isn't going up a little bit. It's going to the Moon.

The reason they cracked down on heat lamp and pure book so hard is that they don't want more people doing that. It will make it impossible for the shorts to close and they are afraid of the infinity pool. I'm not sure we have enough people in DRS for infinity pool to happen, but the SHF's are definitely afraid of it.

I'd like to see some of the DD writers come over here. Is Zedinstead here? He's the DD library guy and I think he's one of the most important apes right now.

I would like to see someone make a new DRS chart like computershared.net it sucks that it went down.

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