
joined 1 month ago
[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 7 points 1 hour ago

He knows, he qualified it with he hasn't physically hurt anyone, so it's like, cool, you know?

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 2 points 3 hours ago

Yeah, that was when the myth of the "liberal" media should have been permanently put down, along with the GOP, but nah, the MSM dutifully "both sides" it and so many (most?) veterans had zero problem with it. That was when the (D) party should have had its real 'Houston, we have a problem' moment, and started fighting the metastasizing problem of right-wing/fascist propaganda that gets merely parroted by the rest of the MSM, but alas, they did fuck-all while it just got worse and worse and worse.

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 1 points 23 hours ago

Yes, when will the lowly rich white man have his time?? Always so disparaged and oppressed, so unfair, I hope you can finally get a fair shake at some point in the face of all the woke brown people and their "white knights" keeping you down.

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 18 points 1 day ago

How many "big lies" are we up to now?

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 2 points 4 days ago

Race over, eh? Welp, see ya later!

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 4 points 5 days ago

Huh, wild, did assume it was camera angle at first, but they're both right next to car, which is angled just slightly so muskrat is a little bit closer, but not enough to skew perspective that much, or so I thought. Hmmmm, X-lifts perhaps?

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 10 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Jebus, didn't realize the muskrat was so big, Fatputin isn't a small guy and he looks quite a bit smaller. So, guess he's a bigger piece of shit than I even knew!

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 5 points 1 week ago

There it is, much better, bravo!

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Go fascist, go.........broke-ish?

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 11 points 1 week ago

For sure, the well is endless, but instead they insist on believing the fairy tale that what people REALLY want, despite voting to the contrary every single fucking time, is bipartisanship and a party that chooses "they go low we go high" as a rallying cry. Let's instead try and help rehab GWB and Darth Cheney, the guys who had worst terrorist attack in US history on their watch, followed by lying us into a war that cost untold billions and lives, ending in the worst financial collapse in almost 100 years. I'm old enough to remember Harry "keep our powder dry" Reid and Nancy "impeachment is off the table" Pelosi being my first real awakening to just how unwilling dems are to actually fucking fight the fascists, instead choosing time and again to do nothing or even help them. Working great, just need MORE of it, then it'll work for sure! Just like tax cuts and deregulation, has turned out just great, just need it a little bit more and it will start working, honest!

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 2 points 1 week ago

Well I do declare, that would just be uncouth and rude, let's instead keep saying we want to work across the aisle with the fascists, people love that shit! Right? RIGHT?? Oh....

[–] jabeez@lemmy.today 15 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Not even nasty, just play ads of Fatputin spewing his idiotic/fascist nonsense non-stop, that would do it. There's practically a never ending well of content from the last decade they could have used to make some truly devastating ad (grab 'em by the pussy, on a loop??), and how about going back and talking about his 1st term that ended in a year so bad it was a running joke? Nah, let's talk about joy and leave it at some vague notion of this guy sucks, but not going into why. A coup attempt? Meh, we'll show a clip of J6, but not bother mentioning it was a fucking coup attempt. Twice impeached convicted felon? Meh, let's just leave it at some vague "not going back" slogan. Fucking malpractice. Again. Dems are either breathtakingly incompetent, or in cahoots.

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