Til Larry page and Sergei brin still own alphabet, I was sure they sold it off in my head, and that's when the enshittification began, I can't imagine butchering something you actually founded this badly.
I've been using batfi for over a year and its one of my must have apps, I don't even have limit charging or charging protections enabled. The features I always use are the menu bar battery icon with inline % and extra battery info in menu bar dropdown, like: battery %graph, power distribution meter(shows charging/discharging speed over different sources), battery temp, battery health %, apps with significant battery usage.
I definetly understand the benifits of this, but a lot of these communities post the same or a lot of duplicate content.
Also didn't think about the nonsensical moderation in one community, so maybe mirroring them wouldn't be that great of an idea.
Doesn't this require disabling SIP? Also it's difficult to troubleshoot in general since it happens very randomly, there will be periods of it happening hourly (force quitting in activity monitor brings the cpu usage back to 0) and then it wont happen for weeks or sometimes months, I've started noticing 2 years ago, shortly after buying the machine, and last time it happened was about a month or 2 ago
Don't understand why it takes people so long anyways, took me like 5 seconds to write it.
They should start reporting completely normal stories, of a stable countrh/government where nothing crazy happens. I'd comfort read and daydream the shit out of that
Yeah, I thought of getting into grayjay instead, but the android app seems very unstable and slow for me, maybe I'll try tweaking ReVanced for a similar result instead.
To add to this, you should also remember that malicious hackers will always exist, and since most surveillance systems are made by the government, cyber security isn't their strong suit.
I feel like most if not pretty much all of the value of Twitter was the name itself, and the recognition it had.
The sad part it, it probably wont if he keeps monopolizing it, a lot of people still use windows, google, etc.. Even though their shit and malicious
I've noticed it let's me focus on the actually game more rather than overstimulating me with a trillion pieces of animated grass and hair folicles