just cut to a train entering a tunnel and fade to black
...and the USS Maddox was struck by the north Vietnamese...
1000 people are going to commit genocide against a country of 7 million? Try to have some sense of the scale of things here.
It has the highest per-capita incarceration rate and rate of police killings.
I upgraded from a 7 to a 14 pro and while it doesn't hang up on the newer OS as much (a problem the 7 developed over its lifetime), it's not really an appreciably better experience overall. The camera is nicer.
Central banks can be good, ours is not. It bails the financial class out time and time again and hikes up rates to ensure interest earners are unaffected by inflation at the cost of workers.
i like the kind that says shum pulp
still use old dot, but the moment that goes away so do I
Britain was an invading occupying power, Ireland gave up the north for peace. It made sense since there was a large British protestant population in the north that feared being integrated with the Catholic south. Very similar situation with the large Russian populations in Crimea and eastern Ukraine that fears integration with the maidan regime.
Credit rating measures your profitability to the credit industry, if you pay off your loan early, they make in interest, thus less profit.