submitted 4 hours ago by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml
[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Just a minor suggestion. When looking for something different than what you're currently familiar with, do so in very open minded way, hopefully no looking for clones to what you were used to, but willing to experience and learn new stuff (there's no failure, just something new that had to be learned and experienced).

I know it's easier saying than doing...

Looking for advice on giant communities is sort of hard, and in the end you won't know what works better for you if you don't try it. The open mind needs to come with some time to be able to play, and enjoy during the play, so it's not a whole series of frustrations.

On this same forum (different threads/posts/converstions) I've read very different recommendations. Even though Manjaro has been recently getting a lot of bad reputation because of letting some certs expire, it's still considered an "introductory" gnu + linux distribution. I've also read Mint is a pretty good "introductory" gnu + linux distribution as well, specially now that ubuntu has finally shown its inclination towards its snap store, rather than the good and solid dpkg + apt, which allowed it to grow on users to where it's currently at.

I myself prefer rolling release models for distributions, and being as vanilla as possible, to be closer to upstream as possible. However I dislike systemd, which is just a personal taste, so I don't have a specific recommendation. It used to be Manjaro offered openrc, but they dropped it, and the distributions I know are Artix (it has gui installers if that's considered "introduction" level distribution, but one still need to handle the configuration mismatches with upgrades as with Arch), Gentoo (I wouldn't say it's not for starters, but for sure it has its learning curve, but more importantly you need to be aware that it's a source based distribution), and Void. If you don't really care, rolling release distributions, which might have an easy ramp up might be Manjaro as mentioned, and now I believe openSUSE Tumbleweed. maybe even fedora come close... Rolling release models might come even easier for newcomers, in my opinion, since there's no need to think on what happens on major updates, but rather one needs to keep updating periodically, but hopefully the distribution helps supporting the safest and saner configurations natively so the user, and particularly newcomer to the distribution don't have to deal a lot to get such safe and sane configurations, at least to start with. And that's to me the important part to call it "introductory" distribution, easy installation might be part of it, but it's hardly the majority of it, and this is perhaps the sad part of what I like about being as vanilla as possible, some distributions even take that as a mantra for configurations, and upstream developers don't always have the safer, or the saner configurations by default. I believe Manjaro and some others take that into account to make things smoother to start with. Maintaining the distribution, keeping it up to date, being able to install stuff, has it's learning curve, no matter the tools/frameworks to do so, and it might be harder if one has to deal with how to make things work because the software doesn't work as it should (configuration required upfront), and it's not hardened enough as well so the user needs to know that and do additional configuration upfront as well.

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 day ago

I'm missing emoji reactions (not replies), jeje

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 day ago

For some time the alternative is freetube, though I don't like is electron, is what we can somehow reliably use

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 16 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I have never bought the idea that free/libre SW in general is just not as easy, including GNU+Linux. I'll leave out open source initially, and come back to it later, not because it doesn't experience the same, but because corporate wide it doesn't suffer the same fate. And linux itself is one of the most widely used kernel if not the most, it happens similarly to openssl, and so many other open source components. So I see no issue with linux adoption, I can't think of any kernel more adopted than linux...

To me what has really affected free/libre SW is the monopolistic abuse of the corporations, plus their ambitions, and how in Today's world, they have created the illusion that being a technologist is the same as being a technology consumer, which gets into the hearts of governments and education systems (more hurting, public education systems). Let me try some practical examples:

  • Educations systems translate the need to educate students about technology into making them familiar with MS different SW, like the windows OS, MS outlook, MS office, MS project, MS visio. Even on the higher levels of education, colleges and universities prefer to use matlab over octave for example, even for just matrix operations scripting. Office covers spread sheets BTW, so people specialized on accounting know excel, but no other spread sheet.
  • On public education systems, where one would be inclined to think it might get more interest on developing the expertise to not depend on proprietary SW only, it's where corporate reach deeper offering "cheap" educational licences.
  • From the prior two keep in mind that educational licenses from proprietary SW usually means future professional and people depending on proprietary SW in general. They are meant not to educate, but rather generate the future dependent population.
  • Governments, whether local or nation wide, instead of adhering to open standards, for any kind of form submission, and even further to adhere to use of free and open source SW, to build the technical and competency expertise required to have a criteria about different technologies, about SW, infrastructure, DBs, and so, they prefer to require citizens to use non free or open source SW to create required forms, and prefer to pay for SW solutions which totally lock in the entire solution, usually coming from big corps, or other companies actually making use of SW and technologies coming from big corps.
  • In their effort to discredit free/libre SW, the idea that the fundamental principles behind free/libre SW hurt the SW industry, or that are irrelevant to Today's world or even worse than that, there were claims that the GPLed kernel was a great threat and GPLed SW a cancer. Now that open source usage has totally overcome free/libre SW, there are no such claims, but the damage is done. There's nothing wrong with people wanting some compensation from corps, when developing SW, and thus not using free/libre licenses like GPL-3+ or AGPL, but in the end that eventually might hurt the users rights protected by such licenses, which such corps don't really care that much (their profit has higher priority for sure), and experience shows that just because SW is licensed open source doesn't guarantee any compensation for the development whatsoever, so if volunteering SW, doing so as open source is not even close to get every developer a decent income out of their contributions. Well, except for the big corps backed SW, linux included, but that's not the majority of open source SW.
  • The discredit of free/libre SW, which allowed the eventual creation of open source, is such that the banning of individuals ends up being an attack to the organizations behind it and even their principles and motivation.
  • Moving away from the free/libre SW observations, even now with open source, from the big corps, which barely compensate the open source developers, complain about the open source supply chain, campaigning against not well maintained SW and such, there's the famous image of a complex and heavy structure depending on a weak and deficient leg. Whatever truth around that figure, it of course hides the overall picture of the developer of such leg not ever being compensated (not to mention paid) for his library or SW component, and perhaps that's one of the reasons the project got even abandoned, but now it's easy to blame such situation when talking about FOSS in general.

Paid SW might be more intuitive to use at times, I can understand that. There are paid developers making the UIs more intuitive and attractive, in the end it needs to be bought or massively consumed to get earning through its use. But if you look deeper, perhaps it's not just that free/libre or open alternatives are non intuitive at all, perhaps people gets used to that UI when attending basic or high school, or college/university. Perhaps even when exposed to mobile devices even when they can barely walk. Everything else, different in nature, will look alien to the future "technologists"...

On a sad (lacking hope) note, I don't think there's any indicator of things changing. My only hope is changes in educational systems, which are nowhere happening, and not the parents, as mentioned they are already convinced that using google, ms, apple, oracle or whatever prepare their kids for the future and will make them the technologists of the future.

On a funny note, I would answer the motivating question with: Linux is so good that it's actually most probably the most used kernel world wide, :)

submitted 2 weeks ago by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Hello !

I'm wondering if there's some blogging mechanism which would allow some sort of unique digital signature (PGP perhaps) to prevent personification, but which allows non traceable and fully anonymous author. Not looking for blockchain like stuff (apart from the layer Monero adds, blockchains are totally transparent, traceable and non anonymous). Not looking for bigotry, attacking people or anything like that.

The idea is to be able to share ideas, even corporate related, without being afraid of retaliations whether at work, corporations or governments. Expressing something at pubic might bring unexpected consequences, particularly if not aligned by the corporation one works on if that's the case, or might provoke AI, bots, or paid/unpaid people looking around, to include anyone in a particular list, without even warning the writer about it.

So I was looking if such thing is possible, and if it exists. Social networks of course wouldn't be an option, they're not anonymous, and at contrary can be used to cross-reference and trace people.

If such solution doesn't exist, I'm wondering if something based on gnuNet might get close, although gnuNet is not meant to make users anonymous. Or perhaps something based on i2p.

Of course the digital signature should be used exclusively for the blog posting, and can't be associated to any real email, host, or whatever...

Feedback on the blog posts should also be allowed to anonymous people with their own unique digital signatures. But this is harder, since depending on the technology, not sure if moderation would be allowed, or even if it would make sense, in which case, no blog feedback should be allowed, though no feedback is really a down side for blog posts. Maybe allowing just the original post to remove feedback. Some other down side, but that's unavoidable, is the lack of non on thread feedback, meaning giving feedback through email or any other medium, since if that was available would make the writer non anonymous...

If such thing is not available, and eventually based on something like gnuNet or i2p, most probably clients would be needed to write blogs but another one that would offer some sort of RSS/atom functionality for the blog to be accessible from current RSS/atom readers.

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 12 points 4 months ago

Have you read it's github front page?

This is an experimental cryptographic network library. It has not been formally audited by an independent third party that specializes in cryptography or cryptanalysis. Use this library at your own risk.

BTW, if you look at its issues (including closed ones, which most probably aren't really closed) you'll find pretty interesting discussions about its crypto not being right. That said, I'm not sure what irungentoo brings to the picture...

At any rate, if you're looking for distributed messaging, I'd look into Jami. It also uses DHT and something similar to torrents mechanism. Jami is my only option so far for distributed messaging. There's also Briar, but I don't like it for regular messaging, particularly on phones (too much battery usage), neither its underlying technology, but if it's to your liking, then that's another option for distributing messaging.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

Hello, !xmpp@lemmy.ml was locked by my mods, and continued on !xmpp@slrpnk.net which is entirely fine given federation, so I guessed I could follow it on the lemmy sort of synced space/community, !xmpp@slrpnk.net, where I can post to the slrpnk community without having an account there. But for some reason recent posts on slrpnk real xmpp community are not showing on !xmpp@slrpnk.net, like if they're not syncing anymore.

Any way to remediate it?

submitted 4 months ago by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/xmpp@slrpnk.net

Hi !

As I have account on lemmy.ml, I look into the lemmy community created on slrpnk.net through the federated lemmy community, but its contents don't match the ones on the original slrpnk community. There are some messages missing.

Not sure if this is something someone would care, but I was planning to look at the contents through the lemmy instance, where I do have my account...

Greetings !

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 22 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Well this one is not false, :(


Though this one is:


So it seems not quite fully disabled... But telemetry is supposed to be off on librewolf...

submitted 4 months ago by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/librewolf@lemmy.ml

I believe the settings to disable this on Librewolf are set by default...

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 13 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

How about bcachefs. I'm waiting for it to support swapfiles, which seems to be in the TODO list, but so far doesn't work. If you use swap partition[s], or prefer not to have swap at all (I never fell for this, and besides swap is required for hibernation if that's a thing for you), then bcachefs is ready for you. It's already part of linux since 6.7, and on Artix, current linux is 6.8.9...

To me is the FS to use. I'm still on luks + ext4 (no LVM) and do entire home backups with plain rsync to an external device. I'd have to learn new stuff, since ext4 is really basic and easy to configure if in need, but I think bcachefs is worth it, and as mentioned, just waiting for it to support swapfiles, :)

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 18 points 5 months ago

I would recommend using apkupdater for closed source apks, in particular enabling apkpure repo, rather than insisting on using google repo with aurora store or any other mechanism.

Also looking for FLOSS alternatives if possile (granted things like whatsapp and waze won't have alternatives for example).

Some metioned apkmirror as the more trusted repo for closed source apps, however it's currently formatting apks on multiple apks, and supposedly requesting for the apkmirror own instaler, so I recommend apkpure instead, which is also pretty well regarded, and they also in theory offer the same packages as the ones on google play...

For FLOSS apps, the different f-droid repos (official ones and non official ones such as izzy-on-droid) offer a good amount of them.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/artixlinux@lemmy.ml

xz-5.6.1-2 from Artix system repo is already available.

Artix corresponding news: The xz package has been backdoored

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/xmpp@slrpnk.net

I'm not self hosting, so I'm depending on what the server admin enables, and the policies they establish.

That said, the server fully supports xep-0313, which perhaps among other things control messages being kept on the server precisely for the purpose of sending them to all registered devices, thus allowing the sync.

But perhaps there's a policy in place removing the messages from the server as soon as some device has gotten it, leaving only online devices with the ability to grab them. I don't know if that's possible...

I experimented getting a device offline for a couple of minutes, and then exchanged messages with another account, and also to my same account. Then eventually I got the device offline, and none of the messages, not even the ones sent to myself, were ever synced on the device just coming online...

This is really sad, since that's precisely one of the benefits of having servers over peer to peer solutions, it's easier to sync devices through the server.

Might this be some sort of policy to keep disk usage on the server low?

I might need to explore some other server if that's the case...

Thanks !

Edit: Communicated with the admin, and they mentioned this was unexpected.

submitted 6 months ago by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/xmpp@slrpnk.net

Just wondering, as the reasons to move here are gone, can the community go back to lemmy.ml? There are quite some posts over lemmy.ml, so going back there would be useful I believe, and also moving the few posts here over there would be just great (perhaps not the comments)...

Just an honest question, not to provoke flame wars or anything like it...

Greetings !

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/12692350

Anyone aware of a conversations fork with support for unified push notifications? Or a similar xmpp android app with omemo (just the same as conversations' support) and unified push notifications support, available through the official f-droid repor or a f-droid repo if not available from the official ones?

BTW, I noticed !xmpp@lemmy.ml community was locked. Any particular reason for that?

Also, Converstions requests to set unrestricted use of battery, to use battery under background without restrictions. So it seems unified push notifications would help, though this github issue sort of indicates unified push notifications wouldn't help, so it just tells me there's no intention to include support for it on Conversations, but not that it wouldn't help save battery.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Anyone aware of a conversations fork with support for unified push notifications? Or a similar xmpp android app with omemo (just the same as conversations' support) and unified push notifications support, available through the official f-droid repor or a f-droid repo if not available from the official ones?

BTW, I noticed !xmpp@lemmy.ml community was locked. Any particular reason for that?

Also, Converstions requests to set unrestricted use of battery, to use battery under background without restrictions. So it seems unified push notifications would help, though this github issue sort of indicates unified push notifications wouldn't help, so it just tells me there's no intention to include support for it on Conversations, but not that it wouldn't help save battery.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

https://disroot.org provides several decentralized federated services, as email and xmpp, besides other cloud services as well... But not sure if asking here is right or not, but don't know anywhere to ask either...

Is it having a license issue, does anyone know about it? Any status updates?

Websites prove their identity via certificates. LibreWolf does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for disroot.org. The certificate is only valid for p1lg502277.dc01.its.hpecorp.net.

But also:

disroot.org has a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which means that LibreWolf can only connect to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site.

The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.

I also tested with ungoogled chromium and pretty similar thing...

Anyonea aware, and also about disroot saying on this?

Edit (sort of understood already, no issue with disroot at all): The issue only shows up under the office VPN. It seems like disroot is not recognizing the office's cert...

Edit: Solved. Yes it's the office replacing the original cert with its own, as someone suggested. Thanks to all.

submitted 7 months ago by kixik@lemmy.ml to c/rust@lemmy.ml

Anyone aware of a testing framework hopefully integrating well, and abstracting the shuttle testing functionality?

BTW I found rtest, but it doesn't in particular abstracts shuttle at all, it's a fixtures generic framework.

Planning to use shuttle to do MT testing targeting C binded code, and looking for a way to abstract as much as possible the shuttle scheduler trait and such...

Thanks !

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 12 points 7 months ago

But strip is still enabled on new makepkg.conf, so all debug symbols get removed when packaging. Actually I don't get it why stripping debug symbols while also generating them first. So are those two actually compatible?

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 15 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Mozilla being Mozilla, I'd guess. They should have gone sel-hosted with sourcehut, or at least gitlab. Or if not self-hosted, the choice should have been at the least gitlab or better, given it allows to chose DCO over CLA. But perhaps not everyone cares... I remember when gitlab introduced DCO, and how that helped debian and gnome to migrate to gitlab. After allowing DCO, other projects migrated as well.

I'm not that fan of gitlab, and I'd prefer sourcehut for open source projects, but if wanting something closer to github, then gitlab might be the answer. But Mozilla is a corp, maybe they don't care much about these things, and as a corp, perhaps they were looking for CLA sort of contribution any ways...

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 year ago

it's not just osm instead of gmaps for the FOSS version. It's NOT using google push notificationss neither gapps at all. Using sockets instead of push notifications. It makes molly FOSS being more battery hungry, but at least it's not using google stuff. Not sure if the dev would be willing to integrate suipport for unified push for the FOSS version, that'd be even better...

[-] kixik@lemmy.ml 15 points 1 year ago

What I'm missing from wayland, it's not really something from wayland itself. Examples are several needed electron based applications, which some will refuse to properly work (for meetings, desktop sharing, etc), wine, gtk4 applications not respecting GDK_DPI_SCALE (not sure if already addressed) when not using gnome (wayfire being used as compositor), no proper support for conky (or eventually equivalent wayland functionality) yet, and several nuances with waybar, and some other tools. Major issue is my work dependency over some non floss electron binary blobs, like teams, slack, and so on, which particularly for desktop sharing and meetings don't yet work properly, no matter the electron options one can use for them, and some floss I use like signal, freetube, jitsi. Wine has a horrible hack, which I might live with, but it's horrible...

So I'll have to wait further for non wayland stuff to truly support wayland, and it has taken ages for that to happen, :(

I haven't tried labwc, andit sounds interesting, though I don't like openbox configs, and I really love fluxbox ways, which are also text files, but I never got used to openbox configs, perhaps just because I got way too familiar with fluxbox, which is what I use with Xorg (fluxbox + picom + tint2 + conky).

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