Bitte nicht.
What messaging service would you giys recommend?
This is modern art.
Honestly, US market propaganda was so overwhelming that i didn't even realize there were that many amazing european services or products! It feels good!
Tolle Leistung. Auf die Gruppenergebnisse hätt ich gerne gesetzt...
Kilo 9 going dark
Does this really qualify as a shitpost? Looks like a reenactment of real events.
I already cancelled my openai subscription in January and moved to Le Chat Pro. It's great! Didn't get to benchmark it yet, but it gives me accepta le results. I hope they continue to improve and maybe even surpass foreign counterparts!
Schogett it!
Although there are a lot of sane and humane people on reddit, it is ultimately part of the machine now. It cannot be trusted to remain unbiased any longer.
It's a safe bet and the worst that can happen is something good. Ironic.
The R5 looks sooo good!