
joined 1 month ago
[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 1 points 17 hours ago

@notanapple The more I read the docs, the more I think it doesn't matter, they are poking around an EU distro. Nothing more, for now it is a proof of concept, not entitled to produce anything production ready

[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 1 points 17 hours ago

@ScotinDub I would say because it helps corporate adhesion, but no, they have no clue it's just a POC for now eu-os.gitlab.io/goals

[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 2 points 17 hours ago

@Ephera OpenSUSE is first to come to mind, then probably Mageia + OpenMandriva (Mandrake derivatives).
All these EU opensource initiatives looks really good, but I fear that they may just be trying to pump taxpayer money and produce actually nothing usable.

[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 19 points 19 hours ago (10 children)

@SpiceDealer Sorry, what ? How can it be made in EU if it's a Fedora fork/derivative ?

[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 10 points 3 days ago (2 children)

@ooli2 Why not both? Spend 50 cents to buy M&M’s 😋

Motorcycle captcha again... (theprancingpony.in)
submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by m33@theprancingpony.in to c/memes@lemmy.world

I was about to make another joke on the motorcycle captcha, and this happened

It is not an edit, got this positive verification on bodhilinux.boards.net forum search box

#motorcycles #captcha #meme #scooter #wtf

[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 1 points 4 days ago

@Numeral3 ClamAV is the goto option, it helps finding bad files on windows shares and mailboxes

[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 3 points 4 days ago

@The_Picard_Maneuver Nobody got mad at this one 😎

[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 1 points 4 days ago

@xavier Hello there,
yes, I am blue team too. But sometimes I go bad 👻
It feels a bit empty here, hope this place will grow with time
see you around

[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 1 points 4 days ago

@CAWright You man want to look at Greenbone, their pricing model is small business friendly.
Been using it for years, not as fancy as others, but do the jobs for +10K assets and can actually afford it.

[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 4 points 4 days ago

@Camus Tiens c'est comme octodon.social qui ferme, dommage aussi pour ces deux instances 😕

[–] m33@theprancingpony.in 7 points 5 days ago

@nikqwxq550 I was about to advocate for the flatpak packager-maintainer being a random guy volunteering for the job. But no, it's official flathub.org/apps/org.torprojec…


Unexpected benefit of Linux Mint relative slowness following Ubuntu releases, as they like to keep a safe pace and make things working right before releasing new versions : it aligns with enterprise software surprisingly well.

Enterprise software are even slower to update, meaning the network shared printer drivers, corporate Zero trust client, email server connector, antivirus (as in paid, licenced av agent) does works perfectly.

Mint sits right in a sweet spot about both corporate bloatware and OSS.



Like many others, I’ve been looking into internet browsers lately. This guy has put together a pretty extensive comparison: pctips.com/best-browsers

#privacy #browsers #firefox #firefoxgate


Hello there,

I’ve been running a little army of raspberry pi and libre computer lepotato for many years now.

Sometime died of overheating, one died because the microsd card failed so hard that some kind of electrical shock took off the whole pi.

I’m looking at this trend: replace that with a single or a 2 node cluster of mini pc.

The point is I still want to consume as less electricity as possible. So low TDP CPUs <10 to 15W is my most important criteria, then 2 disk bays (don’t care about the form factor or connector).

Reading buyers comments on Amazon indicates that cheap Chinese mini pc have their ssd dying quickly, or their motherboard, or their power supply, sometimes in months, not even a year.

Would you please recommend a low power mini pc please ? It may be Chinese but from a reputable brand (which I fail to determine).



Le 28 janvier dernier, le Sénat français a adopté un amendement qui pourrait marquer un tournant décisif pour la cybersécurité. Ce texte impose aux éditeurs de messageries chiffrées de fournir aux services de renseignement un accès privilégié aux contenus échangés sur leurs plateformes, sous peine de sanctions financières. Une mesure qui, sous couvert de lutte contre la criminalité et le terrorisme, remet en question la confidentialité des échanges numériques et pose de sérieuses interrogations sur les libertés individuelles et la souveraineté numérique.

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