Dear Mr Anus, it's not anti-AI, it's anti-bullshit and anti-shyster.
Very strong "University rag committee who spend half their time telling you how completely mad!!!!!! they all are and the other half telling you solemnly how important the work they're doing is" vibes here.
(and that vision is "happily pissed people with empty wallets")
how to let people know you're not a talented writer but think you should be without telling people you're not a talented writer but you think you should be
"There was a whole chain of separate departments dealing with proletarian literature, music, drama, and entertainment generally. Here were produced rubbishy newspapers containing almost nothing except sport, crime, and astrology, sensational five-cent novelettes, films oozing with sex, and sentimental songs which were composed entirely by mechanical means on a special kind of kaleidoscope known as a versificator."
Seems to be like an awesome way to get tech millionaires with weird ideas about education from reading too much Ayn Rand to cough up 27 grand a year to educate their unfortunate kids.
This isn't the UK government or UK public education policy, to be fair on the UK. It's a £27,000-per-year private school in London - the sort that helps ram the possibly-not-so-bright kids of the wealthy through their GCSEs and A-Levels.
An "Oops, racism!" incident is pretty much inevitable as well, of course.
worst prog rock band ever
Pedants being wrong on the Internet is exactly why I have an OED subscription. :) "Beg the question" in the sense of "to assume without proof" doesn't have a supporting quote newer than 1870, which suggests to me that... yeah, it can be considered obsolete.
It’s a sign of how completely economically detached from reality these guys are. The annual turnover threshold here for mandatory VAT registration is around €35k, and a lot of small businesses don’t even reach that. Selling widgets and turning over €50k max would not be considered to be minor tax evasion..
He’s on the hunt for that one special female who’s really, really into Ferengi.