[-] mpk@awful.systems 9 points 1 month ago

In the very late 90s - so only a year or two after the Good Friday Agreement - he gave a talk in Dublin. The only part I remember was when he went off on his tangent about access to guns being an essential component of a free society and then stood there wondering why he was suddenly being heckled.

[-] mpk@awful.systems 10 points 2 months ago

also why does he think people will take on his "wacky" pronunciation of "Robovan" to rhyme with "gas oven"? I generally leave actually listening to Musk's live ramblings to the professionals but damn, this guy is a terrible public speaker. Has his schtick always consisted mostly of awkward pauses and ers and ums or is this a new thing?

[-] mpk@awful.systems 9 points 2 months ago

Knuth should have a special Nobel Prize for Being Donald Motherfuckin' Knuth.

[-] mpk@awful.systems 10 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

From the comments: "Putting my conspiracy theory hat on, the dental hygiene industry in the US is for-profit, like the pharmaceutical, and would rather sell you a treatment than a cure."

Have these people ever BEEN to the dentist? While I know that certain dental procedures (tooth straightening in kids, whitening, etc) are way overused in the US no dentist worth their salt will allow a check-up to go by without a stern lecture on preventing future trouble. And if they don't do that then the hygienist most certainly will...

[-] mpk@awful.systems 9 points 3 months ago

As a white British dude the problem is that "Telephone" is an Americanism, so I think the solution is that we find an entirely new name to describe speech-like yet utterly incomprehensible-to-the-listener noises that's completely devoid of cultural appropriation. I suggest "This is all Trump to me". The game could be "Trump Tweets".

[-] mpk@awful.systems 9 points 4 months ago

Well, "Man who wrote some code mostly based on other people's code a very long time ago and parlayed that into media darling status and a lucrative income" is a bit long-winded.

[-] mpk@awful.systems 9 points 5 months ago

There was a new government elected last week on a platform which can be broadly summarised as “no more insane politics shit”. So far they’re showing dangerous signs of competence and rational thought. What a load of weirdos.

[-] mpk@awful.systems 10 points 5 months ago

If you want more crazy, that political party is actually a limited company in which the leader is also the majority shareholder and the bylaws permit him to fire and appoint a majority of directors at will. I’m not sold on whether all those candidates were actually fake, but journalists from more credible outlets than Byline Times are no doubt working on physically tracking down every one off these candidates as we speak to verify their existence or otherwise.

[-] mpk@awful.systems 9 points 5 months ago

I vaguely remember his original car crash on Wogan after he went loopy and it was barely veiled antisemitism even then - lizard people and the like

[-] mpk@awful.systems 9 points 6 months ago
[-] mpk@awful.systems 8 points 7 months ago

Romania is putting Andrew Tate on trial. Elmo probably wouldn't dare show his face there.

[-] mpk@awful.systems 10 points 10 months ago

It’s a sign of how completely economically detached from reality these guys are. The annual turnover threshold here for mandatory VAT registration is around €35k, and a lot of small businesses don’t even reach that. Selling widgets and turning over €50k max would not be considered to be minor tax evasion..

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