Continental Fetischkleidung wann?
Thanks for coming back to this!
Flatpak runtimes aren't part of atomic updates.
Bin mal gespannt, ob dann überhaupt noch Torhüter zum Kapitän ernannt werden
Do you use the native version or do you use proton? I heard that this issue also occures when playing TF2 using proton.
There are many furries in the open source community, but somehow I have never seen a penguin furry.
Edit: I forgot that penguins are birds, lol. Birds have feathers, not fur.
Edit²: Avians/featheries seem to be a thing:
Kann man schon. Aber da werden weder der Hund noch die ~~Fahrgäste~~ Wartegäste glücklich. uses title
text, not alt
joined 7 months ago
Matchmaking seems to be broken for me :/
Edit: just after writing this, I could join (after ~15 min of waiting) :D