
joined 2 months ago
[–] 7 points 1 month ago (2 children)

My Earina Autumnalis orchid flowered I have also got lots of other plants Im proud of, but I'm away from home so this is the only photo I've got.

Your terrarium is looking beautiful! I'm planning on making a large cooled terrarium for alpine plants sometime. All my current tereriums are small so it will be quite a challenge.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

As the fungi are wood eaters and their bioluminescents is likely based on their metabolic activity (and is possibly related to the breaking down of lignin in wood) Im just trying to keep the rewarewa branches in conditions similar as to in the bush to be optimal for this fungi's growth and metabolism. so I am trying to replicate the optimal conditions of the bush, humid, not to hot but still warm (to not encourage hot loving fungi taking over while still maximising metabolism of the fungi I want). I have had the branches in these conditions for a while now. While the mycelium of lots of different fungi are now present, non of it appears to glow.

also I haven't had any mushrooms growing and some of our bioluminescent fungi only have bioluminescents in there stem (such as Mycena roseoflava) so yea no luck so far in finding bioluminescent fungi in the first place.

When I do find some I will have some petri dishes with Malt Extract Agar in them and will try and transfer it over, I don't no if it will glow in these conditions but can always feed it sterilised branches if it needs to be breaking down lignin to glow.

All of this being sucsesfull is very wishful thinking on my part, It probably won't work this time, but hopefully I will learn enough to get it to work eventually.

Plan B is to go after rain to one of our rainforests in hopes of finding some and transfering it to a Petri dish.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Feel free to ignore me but:

Alfred "Alfie" Joseph

Bengiman "Bengie" Oliver

Maya Oliver

Persephone "Percy" Elm

  • in greek mythology Persephone was taken by hades (in an unwanted arranged marriage of sorts arranged by her father zues) to control the underworld with him, becoming the queen of the underworld. her mother sad to lose her causes winter and apon Persephones return to her mum every year, summer returns.


"The myth of a goddess being abducted and taken to the underworld is probably Pre-Greek in origin. Samuel Noah Kramer, the renowned scholar of ancient Sumer, has posited that the Greek story of the abduction of Persephone may be derived from an ancient Sumerian story in which Ereshkigal, the ancient Sumerian goddess of the underworld, is abducted by Kur, the primeval dragon of Sumerian mythology, and forced to become ruler of the underworld against her own will." Wikipedia

I also like the name lucida

These are just random names that popped into my head just before sleeping so feel free to ignore or pluck what you like (also I spent way longer thinking about the first names then the last names so I'm not set on my last names)

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Wdym Australia last, they are practically controlled by the US already

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I'm preparing to grow some enoki in autumn as they prefer the cool (autumn is pretty soon where I live), until then I'm trying to culture fungi found in the rotting wood of rewarewa (naturally fallen branches), as I have heard that bioluminescent fungi can occasionally grow in it. No luck so far, I guess I will have to look elsewhere

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I really don't understand the allure of Kiss launcher, but I guess its not for me.

I'm trying out heliboard since everyone is recommending it. It does seem very good. Might be my new main keyboard.

And I will definitely try out antenna pod as you give it so much praise

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Thanks for your recommendations, also btw your auxio link links to aves instead of auxio

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Thanks, I'm trying out NewPipe right now but haven't quit got the hang of it, though Im not giving up yet, I just don't feel I can rank it yet.

Also i agree those Fossify apps are great that's why I included the Fossify suite in A tier. I realise now that maybe they arent all A tier so Here's my ranking of Fossify apps that fits in with the prior ranking:

Low S tier: Contacts, phone, SMS messenger

A tier: Gallary, file manager, Calendar, Clock, calculator

B tier: paint, voice recorder, keyboard, camera, launcher

Haven't used enough to rank: notes - no sync and no markdown :( Music player - just haven't used it much

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Its outdoors, it can be to warm inside for these orchids to be happy

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

5 is probabably Asplenium monanthes due to the shape of the leaves and singular sori (info from

Also your photos are so beautiful

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Thank you, it's native to New Zealand. I am growing it on spagnum (spagnum seeweed mix), the spagnum is dried, not killed, so it does not rot easily and may grow again if kept in the right conditions.

The spagnum is also apparently sustainably harvested in New Zealand. however I have my doubts on how sustainable it actually is, so Im trying to grow future batches myself (grows so slow, and im pretty bad at re-aliving it)

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Thabk you! I love them to.

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