This is kind of meme, that if I had a brother (hypothetically that is, I don't have one) and he would send it to my girlfriend (again hypotheical, I dont have one), I would see this as a kind of betryal. Would anyone agree?
This is kind of meme, that if I was a priest (hypothetically that is, I am not one) and my congregation (again hypotheical, I dont have one) would send it to my aunt, I would see this as a kind of betryal. Would anyone agree?
"Bone Bending" sounds like a euphemism for something else...
Imagine you try to do your job and internet calls you officer badonkadonk. :D
My default these days is the former boomer mindset of: "It's online? It's probably not real."
Thank you, that is what I meant, I have clarified it thank you.
I mean my girlfriend can of course not be blamed for messages she receives, but I would see is as cheating from the side of my (hypothetical) friend, or if my hypothetical girlfriend would engage in this.
This is kind of meme, that if I had a therapist (hypothetically that is, I don’t have one) and my girlfriend (again hypothetical, don't have one either) would send it to my therapist, I would see this as a kind of cheating. Would anyone agree?
Is this... real?
"How did your date go?"
"I've never seen a woman bleed like this before!"
Maybe cloudflare?
This is kind of meme, that if my girlfriend (hypothetically that is, I don't have one) send it to me (again hypotheical, I dont exist) I would be kind of worried about her. Would anyone agree?