I'm in agreement that we can just have both, but I'm just thinking what's the least confrontational way to get what I want. After all 3rd rule of acquisition "don't pay more for an acquisition than you need to".
I don't think that flies here. The Luna class and Neo-Connie have arguably similar internal volume so taking the bits out of a Luna could be enough to drive a Neo-Connie. Going from Intrepid sized to Sovereign sized though is a much bigger jump. Also I don't see where you're getting the word "refit" from in the first place? are you just assuming cause the ship is roughly intrepid shaped?
You're moving the goalposts asking for such explicits beyond what is reasonable. Why would they need to spell it out for you in an interview when they have the actors say "these events weren't supposed to happen" repeatedly on screen? Are all viewers expected to familiarize themselves with every entertainment news article around and about a film or TV show in order to understand it? These things should be intuitive, and if what is intuitive isn't the writer's intent then that's just a failure on the writer's part.
This timeline is Altered not Alternate They did the same thing for First Contact, and ENT add just enough time travel to excuse not making the show into a history documentary yet none the less its considered part of the same story as everything that was made before but came later in the timeline.
Lower decks had a
rogue AI attacking a starbase
There's these things called "stars" most planets with life on them have them very close by in the cosmic scale of things, and if you look up pictures of the ISS under one you'll see it's actually quite bright...
Maybe this also could help explain the Klingon changes in-universe
I was thinking this to they might refrence ENT's augment arc, the crews full of smooth heads we see in TOS, the fan theory of counter-augmentations and cosmetic surgeries, anything to smooth things over and bridge them together.
For me, having them look like TNG Klingons doesn’t even solve the problem because ENT had implied that shouldn’t happen until the TOS movie era. They could have rendered explicit the implication that not every Klingon was infected by the virus, but that still doesn’t support making the Klingons look how they did in s1 DIS.
Folks forget the klingon's made that Augment virus which then got loose in a lab breach. If they could do that to themselves on accident imagine what they'd do to themselves on purpose to try and compensate as the implications of the augment virus turn thier society upside down. There's much I don't like about Disco Klingons but the face redesign intrigued me as a potential reaction and over correction to the augment arc in ENT, and how past exchanges like that ultimately lead to federation vs klingon hostilities. Unfortunately Disco didn't capitalize on this probably cause if they start explaining things they'd ultimately have to admit they can't get away with haveing the longest heroship in canon...
I'm not really a fan of "it only looks overdesigned cause its supposed to be alien to you!" That they did with early Disco klingons and have done so far with SNW's Gorn. That line of thinking works for one off antagonists like V'ger, but these aliens are effectively supposed to be recurring characters and and making them and thier ships big balls of (sometimes asymmetric) noise means they all just start looking uniformly chaotic on top of being hard to replicate and recognize outside watching the show.
Or a non-Constitution like the Reliant?
Oh! Oh! USS Pioneer NCC-1500! its the TOS era STO easter egg also tucked away in the PIC's starfleet museum. I just really like the sort of side kick hero ship vibes the class has compared to other alternate-TOS era designs I've seen.
Xindi showed up in the later half of PRO. They ran security at a seedy trade hub the kids were trying to hitch hike from. The thing was though that these were Xindi Reptilians and this was a snowy Ice world... Kinda a problem when ENT dedicated screen time to saying Reptilians were cold blooded (though to be fair Reptilian's did have an inclination to bio-engineering they could have just made themselves warm blooded).
Yes, that is what I was saying...