My rent went up under labour.
The way I read long and complicated threads is by going down one conversation, then collapsing that last comment at the end of it, and making my way back up the chain, collapsing “parent” comments if they have no uncollapsed “children”, and reading “sibling” comments and replies to those as I go up to the original “root” comment.
That's it, I didn't even realise there's a collapse button lol. Until now I just saw a lot of coloured lines that I thought I had to follow. I suppose it's simple enough to follow things here if I collapse threads, or if I read threads before they get dozens of replies.
Well, the company is dying apparently. Good luck to him, lol. NZ Herald seems to have some fairly interesting premium articles from time-to-time, but most of their articles are about finance, business and investment. Not very interesting for me. If they made a newspaper or digital subscription for poor people I'd be more interested, but not if they dumb down language and assume everyone is a dolt.
Who listens to Newstalk ZB and reads NZ Herald? Nobody my age.
And the left aren’t the ones obsessed with abortions.
Well not most people, but a small subset of the left is obsessed with it. They were very upset about the protests in Christchurch. Now there's a law to ban the pro-lifers in Christchurch. They used to protest all the time across from the hospital, at Hagley Park. There is a road between the park and the hospital, but the femmi-nazis weren't happy and obviously they made this law change so that the protests can't be within 300m of the hospital. It's ridiculous. Why not just ban protests within 1km of parliament while we're at it.
I agree but from Seymour's perspective he views it as ideological. I listened to Rodney Hyde on Reality Check Radio a while ago. He had good intentions to just make it easier to do business, but now he's embarrassed that he was in politics. He moved on and says it's bad that people view politics as a legitimate career (lasting many decades for some MPs).
I understand that Act Party want to make it simpler to invest and stuff - after all I wouldn't want it to become overly complicated to apply for a job, or government assistance. That said: I have come to realise that it's one-sided.
Act will make it easier for billionaires to buy just about anything, while making it impossible for anyone to build apartments or decent houses. It's out-of-touch. For a few years now, I consider Seymour's intent to be harmful to the country. These people would cry and demand a law change if rich people had to piss in a cup to get a job or fly their own helicopter or private jet. But it's fine if poor people have to piss in a cup every few weeks just to drive a class 1 or class 2 truck.
Rules for the workers but not for the elite class. It's total B.S. and I'm glad I can see everything clearly now that I'm a bit older and wiser.
Maybe house prices dropped but my rent keeps going up.