...as cute as they are... Feral cats are a menace.
I saw the title and was like 'you, know... I've never seen a weed pie before.' I liked the meme, but I will admit I was a lil disappointed
the other half... they were mixed together but i get why they did it this way
also found the volta do mar split! when did this get posted online... i swear i looked for it last year to no avail.
@GunnarGrop They have in the past.... doubt any future dates as I don't see it on their farewell tour dates :(
My favorite performance was when their second or third album(the one about the devil dying) release and they projected all these like old b horror movies on themselves as they played... It was surreal
@subunit317 this happened right outside a homies grandmother's home... crazy and scary. but it's wild watching how close those planes get to the ground and other cars...
@DonAntonioMagino making backups of your home folder (/home/username) is a great ways to survive reinstalls. also install discovery if you don't have it. its an easy way to install and find software... i dont know opensuse package manager... but it should be a simple command
@danjay have your cursor snap like at the middle - i think it is like 'bro is real low so he wants to snap down in this corner, right'