Free "VPN" app: look at me. You're the VPN now.
Creators must disclose content that:
Makes a real person appear to say or do something they didn’t do
Alters footage of a real event or place
Generates a realistic-looking scene that didn’t actually occur
So, they want deepfakes to be clearly labeled, but if the entire video was scripted by chatgpt, the AI label is not required?
The mods might actually spend money to run bots and other moderation tools on their own servers. Might even pay reddit for api usage too for using those tools.
AAA means they're going to charge $70 for it.
That's 1.1% of Gaza's population killed in just 3 month!
That's a funny looking stray cat.
Every time you double your servers' cpu usage, you'll double your server cost as well. If it were cheap I bet more companies would actually consider doing this.
The ultimate server-side anti cheat would be running the online game like Stadia where the players basically stream the game, which is very expensive to run today but might be the norm in the far future.
We, the undersigned, may choose to resign from OpenAl and join the newly announced Microsoft subsidiary run by Sam Altman and Greg Brockman.
Let's have all OpenAI employees move to Microsoft. What could possibly go wrong?
I open sourced my code so other people can clean it up *tap head*
Cloudlare has become too big to fail. If the IP addresses belong to a smaller proxy company, no one would even bat an eye.
Ah yes, the good ol' "let's solve this problem with blockchain". I thought we're already past that.
People who have contributed more to the community and earned more Points are able to have a larger say in the direction that the community takes.
When karma-whoring repost accounts have more say than actual community members... What could go wrong?
Just producing EV versions of Honda Fit or Ford Fiesta like what the Chinese EV makers do is enough. Instead, they keep producing EVs with luxury features (and high price tags) then surprised people won't buy them without subsidy.