Soon we're going to have a new timezone for the moon. Yay, I guess?
Creators must disclose content that:
Makes a real person appear to say or do something they didn’t do
Alters footage of a real event or place
Generates a realistic-looking scene that didn’t actually occur
So, they want deepfakes to be clearly labeled, but if the entire video was scripted by chatgpt, the AI label is not required?
What if I lose my phone? What if you steal my phone?
Bitwarden supports passkeys, which are stored in your bitwarden vault. If you lost your device, as long as you can still access your bitwarden account, your passkey should still usable.
I can login with the same passkey on Firefox and Chrome using bitwarden. Too bad it doesn't work on mobile yet.
That's 1.1% of Gaza's population killed in just 3 month!
Imagine hauling your grandma and toddlers across 24km of crowded street with occasional rubbles, and you need to cross them within 6 hours or risk a fiery death. Totally doable! /s
The new term seems very... reasonable. They took the lesson to the heart and won't try to alter the deal again in the future, right? Right?
You might not familiar with how the internet archive does the book lending. The book is actually drm-protected and can only be opened with adobe software, which will expire in just a few days, rendering the file useless. What the internet archive did was simply allowing more people to borrow the same book during pandemic instead of only allowing one person at a time. The lent books still expire after a few days. It's not like the internet archive was suddenly turn into LibGen and distributing unlocked pdf to anyone. Anyone who familiar with LibGen would not bother borrowing from the internet archive digital library. The issue is simply blown up out of proportion by publishers.
Except abayas are basically just some loose-fitting clothes that can be worn by anyone regardless their religion. It's like banning kimono or sari.
I could see people from onlyfans auctioning their meats. It's the only natural progression of lab-grown meat industry.
The price is very reasonable if you realize the economy of scale is not there yet. There is only about 100,000 monthly active Lemmy users right now. Even if 1% of those users bought the app at $20, the dev only net ~$14,000 for working on his app full time. The calculus will surely different if Lemmy have 10x more active users which will allow the dev to lower the app pricing while still sustaining himself.
That's fine. Just do our things here, and when Reddit eventually shoot their own foot again, the next wave of refugees will have an alternative ready, unlike us a few months ago where there was confusion over where to migrate.
Grab it while it's still up: