Sollte sie eh nicht sein. Aber leute, die schon in den anderen Dreck einkaufen tun das dann sofort ab, weil sie, wie gesagt meiner Erfahrung nach, eh auch nichts von der EU halten.
Honestly, wasps (the ones common where I live) are pretty chill, sure they always go in your face, but you can just gently wave in their general vicinity and they will avoid you. The only times when they are aggressive is in autumn.
Contabo is really cheap and has a few datacenters around the world. That low price comes at a cost though, their uptime is not as good as that of other providers. Expect about 3 outages a year, lasting about half an hour, maybe a day in extreme cases.
- I usually use bash/python/perl if I can be sure that it will be available on all systems I intend to run the scripts. A notable exception for this would be alpine based containers, there it's nearly exclusively
. - Depending on the complexity I will either have a git repository for all random scripts I need and not test them, or a single repo per script with Integrationtests.
- Depends, if they are specific to my setup, no, otherwise the git repository is public on my git server.
- Usually no, because the servers are not always under my direct control, so the scripts that are on servers are specific to that server/the server fleet.
- Regarding your last question in the list: You do you, I personally don't, partly because of my previous point. A lot of servers are "cattle" provisioned and destroyed on a whim. I would have to sync those modifications to all machines to effectively use them, which is not always possible. So I also don't do this on any personal devices, because I don't want to build muscle memory that doesn't apply everywhere.
OVH, reasonably priced, API for DNS management and existing certbot integration
I wrote a small program for the arduino nano 2 years ago, it isn't that fancy, a quickly hacked together led flash animation, but the Makefile works. You really just have to install the dependencies and adapt it for your project and it should work.
Important question, do they mean
- 63*V_Earth <= V_Uranus, 64*V_Earth > V_Uranus
- They actually considered sphere packing and thus 64*V_Earth <= V*_Uranus
Exim and Dovecot. With a clean IP on a VPS and SPF, DKIM and DMARC I haven't really encountered any problems yet. Though I'm only doing it for about 2 years.
1.5l SIGG for about 20 years.
Evolution, Thunderbird and KMail, depending on the system. Though I've had only trouble with Thunderbird and gpg signing with a yubikey. The others just work.
On Android I'm using FairMail.