Better check, you definitely already have a firewall running since docker needs it for NAT. A fresh debian has, as far as I know nftables and iptables-nft installed.
What firewall are you using? Docker doesn't like non-iptables firewalls and it has been more than once that I changed my nftables config and really the whole networking stack to figure that out. I have a ubuntu server vm which had some iptables save-restore unit activated which was messing with my rules, that was fun to debug.
Whenever my fiio runs out of power. About once a week.
I got a bunch of the Seagate Exos x18. Greate price/TB and performance. Though they were only the 16TB SATA variant and not the SAS one.
Syncthing on my Kobo and all other devices where I want access to my books.
I recently wrote a script which finds duplicate files and hard links them. I can share it with you, though there are no guarantees of it's safety. There are probably better already established tools out there.
I recently did expand my storage. I started with one raid5 array with 4 drives. I just added another drive and grew the array, the LUKS container and the filesystem.
I have a cheap Kobo and put KOReader and Syncthing on it.
With the limited info you have given my first thoughts would be: dns: ipv6 vs 4; firewall; basically anything network related
Yes, mostly university and work though. I don't have a tablet and the drawing tablet is at home most of the time. Pen and paper just gives more flexibility than text. Though I instantly scan them and upload them to my paperless instance.
Toll, das es sowas gibt.
Meiner Erfahrung nach trauen Leute, die schon solche Mythen glauben, den Aussagen der EU aber leider nicht. Ist sogar etwas verständlich, die EU ist nicht gerade unparteiisch.