
joined 7 months ago
[–] 0 points 3 days ago

I don't think you really appreciate how bad this PIP thing is. 1000s are going to die.

Austerity killed 200k or more.

This is going to kill a lot more.

But great thanks for the crumbs mr kid starver

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

What kind of bellend do you have to be to panic when seeing a Palestine flag?

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

'people don't like it when the government decides to cull the vulnerable ' this isn't some reduction of pocket money to lazy teenagers, this is literally the cutting of people's basic needs. How would you feel if i took away your ability to feed and house yourself?

[–] -1 points 6 days ago (2 children)

What makes you think the guardian are any better than the mail?

[–] 0 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Yes progress often begins with sacking 30k employees

The NHS sorely needs admin jobs doing. I know because i fucking do it everyday.

Good admin saves the time of nurses and doctors to do clinical work. Its just as crucial as clinical work

Those suggesting this is sensible have just drunk the cool aid

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Cuts aside, the biggest concern will be the lack of regulation. Or increased politicisation of the NHS.

I expect Streeting wants to increase his ability to force NHS to pay for services from private companies. The talk of cutting red tape likely means a move towards American style healthcare where 'the customer is Always right'

In effect this means that patients will be able to demand more procedures which private companies will provide. However, they will only do profitable ones. This will ultimately leave less money for more complex health issues in the budget. Remember private healthcare always costs the NHS way more than if they had the capacity themselves. Purposely using private healthcare is a way of diminishing the service NHS is able to provide, paving the way for full private systems. Its also another fuck you to complex cases, ie disabled people.

This BBC article is just manufactured consent for cuts.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

These concentration camps are just temporary until we can grow the economy enough, promise!

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Remember how we were told that Labour would actually be different to the tories?

I said continuously that they are just as bad and everyone got mad.

Hopefully the wool has been pulled from their eyes now and next election people will feel confident to vote for alternatives like the greens or any other party that may or may not be being formed.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Lol mate you really are a dimwit

Your idea of what the left wing is reads like a fucking spectator opinion piece.

What are you describing is the bogeyman liberal of right wing pundits, not socialists.

No one has ever said is marxism the answer. Marxism is a philosophical and historical theory of change. left wing people are often Marxists because it accurately describes how capitalism works. It just shows how little you understand. Numnuts

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Thought provoking piece if a little misguided Monbiot is usually about geopolitics.

I think that the main reason Europe is ramping up it's defence spending and reducing welfare is because Trump has threatened to pull out of Nato, leaving Europe without any military defence. Whatever you think about the military, its clear this would make liberal leaders uneasy. The republicans have long considered Europe to be spongers off the USA. This increase in spending is probably due to some wrangling going on behind the scenes.

It shows how little power Europe has against the USA. If any country really deviated from USA's agenda they would be really risking USA denying them nato support or other Usain infrastructure.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Ill accept this a small piece of good news.

However, this is really small fry stuff. Why not allow Unions to vote for industrial action online instead of it being by post. There is loads of other anti union legislation that remains. None of this stuff actually threatens capital otherwise starmer wouldn't have done it.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

We arrested the gentleman for suspicion of supporting a proscribed organisation. They held a bunch of flowers which contained the colours green and white, colours which represent the Hamas flag.

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