Exact same story for me. My wife doesn't need to take the pill anymore which she really appreciates
Don't drag us into this
I wouldn't want that in my salad dressing though
Great episodes, just watched for the first time a couple of days ago
They're linked: soil captures carbon and is really important in the fight against the climate crisis. Losing our topsoil means the release of carbon into the atmosphere.
She wanted that furry dick
Was ist ein Anrufbeantworter? Ist das Meme aus dem letzten Jahrtausend?
Lass einfach die WM gewinnen
Plan ein paar Sachen, aber plan nicht die unbedingt durchzuführen. Mach worauf deine Tochter Bock hat, und wenn sie einfach nur chillen will, dann mach das. Aber dann hast du auf jeden Fall was, was ihr machen könnt wenn sie unternehmungslustig ist.
oder zulassen?
Gab es nicht schon einen Untersuchungsausschuss zu cum-ex?
It is very profitable to be proactive. The climate crisis will cost trillions of dollars to "repair" and deal with. Taking the right steps at the right time is way cheaper. We really are too stupid as a species and it'll be our downfall.