I get your point, and I agree. But same applies to wikimedia, and I much rather prefer archive org than wikimedia. But why not both ?
And also it's good practice to find some other non us, N-eyes countries archive services and host on there, on as many places as you can.
And of course torrents, but then you would need to somehow ensure seeders which doesn't seem easy.
Yes, science is complex, infrastructure is complex.
these are not "loosely connected groups", it's not a group of friends doing a party, it's a complete industry.
thing is to change relations in production and to work according to needs and with solidarity towards each other and other communities. try to look at it as complete system, not just pinhole view at just scientists interested in particles or whatever scifi there is. that federated system would have to solve food, housing, medicine, education and through solving that and enabling others to work in fields they are interested in would in the end enable space travel, or whatever scifi other there is.
i would say that within that system it would be easier to develop science and more pleasant and beneficial to society than in current capitalist one