Thank you, I loved Satisfactory, will definitely look into this.
I bought a portable unit last year and used it for the hottest days, as I was working from home in a small room which heats up quickly.
I also bought it for safety reasons, we are for people in our household and in case a long lasting heat wave comes we at least have the means to cool down one room for the night where we all can sleep.
Here in Germany not even offices have them. Well, most of them. AC is a luxury that no one needed like 5 years ago. 5 years in the future this will have changed, obviously.
Born in the 80-ies I had several cavities before I was 15. Nothing helped, then one day the doc applied fluoride to my teeth directly and I spent a lot of less time at the dentist since then.
Using toothpaste with fluoride from them on made a massive difference.
Additionally I like roundtrip tests.
For example we have two data formats and support conversion between both of them.
So I have tests that convert from A to B and back to A. Then I can go and call assertEquals on them.
It's a very cheap test, that tests all functionality of the conversion itself.
I like it way more here. It's so much faster and there are no ads.
The reddit app is just bad and slow.
Oder halt eine eigene Instanz aufsetzen, auch wenn das eher für technisch versierte Nutzer ist.
Nee, der hat Twitter nicht allein gekauft sondern mehrere externe Investoren. Ölscheiche evtl. sogar?
Ich kenn mich mit der konkreten Implementierung auch nicht aus, aber das gesamte Fediverse ist gerade ein bisschen unzuverlässig manchmal. Hab jetzt 3 Tage lang meine eigene Instanz aufgesetzt und musste ganz schön rum probieren bis ich alles hin bekommen hatte. Subscribe pending war bei mir auch lang angezeigt, hat sich aber von allein erledigt.
Ist halt eine Möglichkeit weiter Wachstum zu generieren. Also neues Wachstum.
Can this be traced by the police or other state agencies? Or is this truly anonymous?