I made the meme. It’s cause Kinew sounds like canoe and there are two people in the canoe so I put his face over both of them. However not sure I understand the reference about 3 red canoes? There is 1 red canoe but that doesn’t have anything to do with the meme, it could have been any color. I don’t get it?
You’re talking about a country that has no universal healthcare, record gun violence, divisive civil political unrest, low education and health compared to other developed countries, record wealth inequality, lies and propaganda coming from their federal government, policies that attack allies and work with dictatorships… and people are wondering why they can’t plant trees instead of grass?
Canadian media needs to start making telling us when illegally smuggled American guns are being used in these horrific incidents
But Trump said the USA didn’t need Canada for ANYTHING so why does he want this built??
I agree 100%. Well said
No I haven’t. Up until I read these replies on Lenny I had no idea it was a thing. TIL
Hey cool thanks for this! Love learning about language and have never even heard this term before , or I guess as Bernie would say “I have Nevah even head of this tem befoe” lol
It’s funny cause the US school lunch program is garbage food
Just IMAGINE if Obama did this? Isn’t it crazy??
So no fruit juice?
I’m First Nations too. I just realized what that person meant by “red”.
Absolutely ridiculous that’s the first place someone’s mind went. What a stretch
Now im angry that person automatically saw racism in the meme. It goes to show what some people are looking for no matter how far the stretch. Embarrassing