When certain people have the freedom to hurt others, no one is safe.
The older you get, the more of your belongings fall into this category. But my favorite ones are the wool blankets I've knitted. There's one I've been wrapping up in for about six years, and I kinda hope they bury me in it when I croak.
Plain ol pinto beans. One summer, my dad was really strapped for cash, and we ate beans every day for at least a month, and I never got tired of them. I still love them now, almost 50 years later.
My favorite part of this is "Real people are suffering..." Oh no! Real people, you say? I better take that seriously, unlike all those fake people whose suffering is both imaginary, and completely justified. Who the hell cares about any of them?
No other drugs, just my bare, natural brain.
Whippets. I had this awful sensation of being frozen in a horrible moment of eternity while my friends looked on in amusement, not realizing I was experiencing timeless hell.
.25. If I already hate the show or the characters in the first 15 minutes, it's not worth wasting any more time on it. I used to try to push through, but the effort has never really paid off. I have no regrets about Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, or Bojack Horseman. There are lots of great shows out there.
"Like they should have stopped Hitler at Munich, they should never let him get away with that, they was just asking for bad trouble." Peter Clemenza, The Godfather
How to tell your husband doesn't love you when it's far too late.
There was a bomber in Texas who murdered several strangers with package bombs left on their doorsteps. He blew himself up just before he was captured. I don't think we ever got an explanation of his motivation. It's really rare, but it does happen.
The fact is that most of us are alive simply because no one has decided to kill us yet. There is no complete safety in this life, so you may as well take reasonable precautions and chill. Enjoy your life.
My old partner and I used to travel to rural areas in our rv, to work on low income ppl's houses, as part of a different government program, and our clients often gave us some of their commodities. That cheese made some mighty good tacos. I used to make them directly on the propane flame to melt the cheese and toast the tortilla. We'd stuff them with avocado and alfalfa sprouts because we were hippy weirdos. The honey was great, too.