Oh that series is so much fun! I need to read those books again. Another good one is Scott Meyer's Magic 2.0 series. Basically a random dude finds the rules.ini file for the universe hiding out on the internet and ends up using it to travel back back to Arthurian England to live openly as a Wizard. Except he's not the first one with that idea...
Oh fuck I forgot about that troglodyte. My parents were Limbaugh losers back in the day. Now they're anti-vaxxers.
Former hotel bartender here, can confirm.
Looks like someone on reddit was asking a few years ago, hopefully this points you in the right direction.
EDIT: Just got to the bottom of the thread, found THIS.
Defo gonna try lol
I saw a terminal app a few weeks ago that had AI INTEGRATION of all things.
It's Adam Osbourne, saved you a click.
I mean with the amounts in this thing you'd need to eat a server farm to get a lethal dose, the lethal concentration is 1800mg/kg. But after the first few you probably wouldnt want to anymore, it looks like it was used to treat bipolar disorder in the early 20th century.
...the onion is a satire site lol.
Yeah Google can play a little game of hide-and-go-fuck-themselves.