There are definitely some places the CGI could be improved these days (thinking distant group shots) but yeah, it's incredible how well everything else holds up 20 years later even in 4K.
Everyone pointing at people that didn't vote for Harris over Gaza like this is some gotcha moment are totally missing the point. If Gaza was your primary concern (like if you and your family are Palestinian perhaps) neither candidate was going to do anything for you at all. Harris paid a tiny bit of lip service to Gaza two days before the election after months of shutting down and ignoring everyone demanding ceasefire.
I voted Harris purely out of harm reduction, but she offered nothing to anyone on the left. The DNC assumes everyone that is queer or bipoc or a woman owes them their vote and then used the platform to court non-existent center right voters.
But nah, let's pretend that Harris, who took Biden's positions wholesale, would have done something different as if they weren't currently in power. Let's pretend they would have done something to restore abortion rights too, or tackle climate change or raise the minimum wage when they're so busy trying to get fascist votes and not piss off the coporate donor class.
The Democratic party needs to be rebuilt from scratch or not rebuilt at all.
Perfect headline.
This better not awaken anything in me...
Honestly, with Flatpak and immutable base systems this is a place Linux is really excelling now too. Being able to show a novice user a shared package manager with a search and a bunch of common apps and them actually install/remove them in a safe manner with a high likelihood they'll work out of the box (since they come with all their deps in sync independent from distro) is kinda huge.
For kernel dev it would be a disaster, there's too much implicit action, and abstractions that have unknown runtime cost. The classic answer is that everyone uses 10% of its features over C, but nobody can agree on which 10%.
As someone forced to get up to date with C++ recently, at this point it's a language in full identity crisis. It wants so badly to be Rust, but it's got decades of baggage it's dragging along.
In a world where Valve controls 90% of what is running on a device with immutable / containerized images, yeah I think Arch makes a lot more sense. A distro focused on rolling release is a lot less likely to hang you up when you choose to update.
Debian is great, but depending on where you are in the release cycle it can be a pain in the ass to stay up to date and, frankly, the last time I ran it, shit like apt/dpkg configuration and so many /etc files and structures just felt like mis-features or too complex for their own good.
It's a bit more than that with Kitfox involved, but I don't see why that makes him wrong. Greed kills a ton of creativity in games. Not just layoffs but over aggressive monetization and fear of innovation.
I am about 80% through it as an audiobook (waiting for it to come back from the library) and I agree. Great to listen to him, tons of non Trek info I didn't know that is still quite interesting.
Not the best husband to be sure, but I do like that he's pretty up front about it. Seems like his first marriage was effectively over as soon as he found American success and his wife (understandably) didn't want to abandon her own career in the UK. Hard to listen to Capt. Picard be unfaithful (with Vash no less!) but I felt for him more than most egomaniac rock stars who fuck anything that moves.
EDIT: Also loved how he hates Thatcher for demolishing all of the programs he used to get trained as an actor coming from a poor background. There was a lot of mutual aid in his early life that seems non-existent today.
Earning a pittance doesn't mean they're not slaves. They're slaves because they can't quit. Prisoners have basically zero agency in their lives.
Yeah, my sister-in-law has an iPhone and all of my wife's pics and videos turn to garbage in transit. For the longest my SIL just thought Android cameras were terrible and it locked her in to iPhones at upgrade time - which is exactly what Apple intended.
Because at some point after the first few million you turn into a dragon that must hoard wealth and the people that generate that wealth become a cost to minimize.