[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 1 points 10 hours ago

No geral, faz-me perder tempo e não tem acrescentado grande coisa

Redes sociais tendem a fazer isso se não tiveres um nicho, a meu ver. "Doomscrolling" e afins são realidades universais a todas as redes, infelizmente. No entanto, se participares nalgum tipo de "nicho" (não precisa de ser nada obscuro), consegues encontrar coisas interessantes. No caso do Lemmy e plataformas parecidas, vai depender muito da comunidade, naturalmente.

a usenet portuguesa está moribunda - mas a verdade é que aqui este lemmy português também não é assim tão fervilhante

Pois, longe disso. A usenet está um bocado moribunda no geral, mas em Portugal exacerba-se o fenómeno por razões de escala; estas coisas precisam sempre atingir uma certa "massa crítica" para serem mais viáveis. O mesmo acontece com este Lemmy. Devido a problemas técnicos de várias naturezas (e.g. software e servidores pouco preparados), não se conseguiu captar malta do /r/portugal na altura do apagão, e agora é muito difícil. É verdade que tb n publicito frequentemente a plataforma, mas não é trivial fazê-lo; não posso propriamente pôr-me a publicar reclames noutras comunidades, é meio chunga. Se tiveres sugestões, agradeço bastante.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 1 points 10 hours ago

Em Inglês, mas pode ajudar!

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 1 points 10 hours ago

Infelizmente não. A interoperabilidade entre Mastodon e Lemmy ainda tem que ser bastante melhorada, mas para isso é preciso cooperação entre os dois projectos, algo não trivial. Com o tempo a coisa irá ao sítio, mas vai demorar. Podes tentar interceder junto dos projetos para tentar dar atenção ao problema.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 1 points 10 hours ago

Não faço ideia, nem estou a ver que programa é esse... PowerPoint?

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 1 points 10 hours ago

Não faço ideia, nem estou a ver que programa é esse... PowerPoint?

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 13 points 6 days ago

Agree, but mad props to the Gentoo people too. Nice community and incredible wiki as well.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 2 points 6 days ago

Yeah withdraw cash from an ATM and use it. The system sucks, but it's not trivial to change for a myriad of reasons.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/micromobility@lemmy.world


I got a BTWIN RockRider 540 some years ago and use it for some light trails, but nowadays mostly just roads. My region is very hilly and has multiple >10º hills, which are perfectly fine for cars, but not really for bikes 😅

Since I'd like to start doing more things in the city center (which is itself also on the hilly side), I was considering either getting an e-bike or converting mine. I'm more inclined towards the latter option, since I really don't need another bike (already have an extra all-terrain bike for trails and a vintage road bike), it would just be a waste of materials and, from what I understand, money. I'm really not sure where to start looking for appropriate conversion kits, so thought to ask here :)
My budget is flexible, but I'd like to keep it under 200€.

Any comments are appreciated!

submitted 1 month ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/tecnologia@lemmy.pt

Os benefícios da chegada da Digi serão maiores porque a Vodafone não eliminou a Nowo, mas, “no curto prazo”, a empresa não conseguirá uma quota que afecte “o poder de mercado” do Meo, Nos e Vodafone.

É um artigo exclusivo (isto é, só para assinantes), coisa que tentado evitar, mas pronto :P

submitted 1 month ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/tecnologia@lemmy.pt

O nanosatélite português, que foi lançado a 9 de julho, está em órbita e funcional e a equipa do Instituto Superior Técnico está atenta aos sinais, que ainda são fracos, mas que podem ser "ouvidos" quando passa sobre Oeiras, especialmente à noite.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 36 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

StreetComplete is godsend. Editing OSM in JOSM, iD, etc, is not trivial and involves reading a lot of documentation and forum posts (if you care to do things right), which of course isn't anywhere near practical for small devices when you're on the go, surveying.

This app changed my whole routine. The interface is really solid and helps the community target important tasks, rewarding it with little prizes. Althewhile, the gamification is kept at a very healthy level, to avoid attracting leaderboard seekers and whatnot, which would certainly lower the quality of contributions.

I think the contribution day grid (akin to GitHub's thing) as well as the dynamic category explorer, the badges and the OSM-related projects it reveals to you bit by bit really bring everything together. It's an incredible tool!

For the experienced (and this is not said lightly), there is the expert version, which adds more advanced editing features for those looking for a bit more control in regular SC.

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 34 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Here in Portugal, most display useful info like date, time, outside temperature (with varying degrees of accuracy), as well as services provided by the pharmacy or some general (often season specific) health recommendation.

The use of a bright green sign is, of course, to seek attention, but it's also useful to quickly spot an open place at night, when most are closed and only a few remain opened longer in each town/city neighborhood (called "farmácias de serviço", i.e something like "pharmacies in service"; they usually rotate between themselves each week). Nowadays you can check which places are available at night through a nice website, but the signs remain a useful thing, nonetheless.

The animations are just a culture thing now, I'd guess. Different pharmacies employ different animations, some wackier, some less, though there are very common animations for sure, such as the one where a 3D cross is animated rotating on multiple axis at the same time, making a nice spin back to its original position.
Why? I dunno, they break up the usual info display and help grab attention? I dunno, you get used to it and it mostly gets filtered into the background hehe

[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 47 points 2 months ago

musl isn't vulnerable, as per https://fosstodon.org/@musl/112711796005712271

The exploit isn't that practicable, since it takes a very long time on 32 bit systems, which are ever rarer to see.

submitted 2 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/linux@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.pt/post/5733711

A severe vulnerability in OpenSSH, dubbed "regreSSHion" (CVE-2024-6387), has been discovered by the Qualys Threat Research Unit, potentially exposing

submitted 2 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/technology@lemmy.ml

A severe vulnerability in OpenSSH, dubbed "regreSSHion" (CVE-2024-6387), has been discovered by the Qualys Threat Research Unit, potentially exposing

Mozilla Common Voice (commonvoice.mozilla.org)
submitted 2 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/tecnologia@lemmy.pt

O Mozilla Common Voice é uma iniciativa para ajudar a ensinar às máquinas como pessoas reais falam.

Voz é natural, voz é humana. É por isso que estamos empolgados com a criação de tecnologia de voz utilizável para as nossas máquinas. Mas para criar sistemas de voz, os programadores precisam de uma quantidade extremamente grande de dados de voz.

A maior parte dos dados usados por grandes empresas não está disponível para a maioria das pessoas. Nós achamos que isso sufoca a inovação. Então, lançamos o Common Voice, um projeto para ajudar a tornar o reconhecimento de voz aberto e acessível a todos.

Uma excelente iniciativa da Mozilla, pouco conhecida apesar de já ter uns bons anos.
O Português continua a ter poucas horas faladas e relativamente poucas frases, por isso partilho aqui.


[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 24 points 2 months ago

I feel you lol. I wish less people came to Portugal, especially Lisbon and Porto. It's a bit ridiculous sometimes. The culture people come looking for is slowly dying or becoming a fake version of itself because legit stuff is being pushed out of historical centers, in favor or tourist attracting alternatives. The issue of overpricing (because all the English, German, French, etc, visiting Portugal earn way better than us here in average) is ludicrous, it's becoming harder to enjoy the places we used to go 15 or 20 years ago.

submitted 2 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world

The Boys

A place to discuss the great show The Boys.

Just created some discussion threads for the three S04 episodes that are already out :D


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/theboys@discuss.online

[ ⚠ ] SPOILER ALERT — this thread contains spoilers [ ⚠ ]

The world is on the brink. Victoria Neuman is closer than ever to the Oval Office and under the muscly thumb of Homelander, who is consolidating his power. Butcher, with only months to live, has lost Becca's son and the rest of The Boys are fed up with his lies. With the stakes higher than ever, they have to find a way to work together and save the world before it’s too late.

What are your thoughts on the season so far? What do you think is going to happen?
Discuss below!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/theboys@discuss.online

[ ⚠ ] SPOILER ALERT — this thread contains spoilers [ ⚠ ]

The problems have started between Homelander and Starlight supporters; Hughie tries to figure out what's going on between Homelander and Victoria Neuman.

What did you think of the episode? What do you feel is going to happen next?
Discuss below!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/theboys@discuss.online

[ ⚠ ] SPOILER ALERT — this thread contains spoilers [ ⚠ ]

Did you know that globalists put chemicals in our food that make us gay, Dakota Bob is a demon from hell, and the Moon isn't real? Find out what they want to keep from us #TruthCon.

What did you think of the episode? What do you feel is going to happen next?
Discuss below!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/theboys@discuss.online

[ ⚠ ] SPOILER ALERT — this thread contains spoilers [ ⚠ ]

After Butcher misses his opportunity to kill Homelander by using Soldier Boy, he attempts to get Ryan back on his side and correct his mistakes. Meanwhile, Homelander seeks out a new ally as he struggles to come to terms with his mortality.

What did you think of the episode? What do you feel is going to happen next?
Discuss below!

submitted 3 months ago by tmpod@lemmy.pt to c/rust@lemmy.ml
[-] tmpod@lemmy.pt 23 points 3 months ago

No, you can leave it in case someone might be thinking of asking the same. The community isn't really moderated atm either way (though that may be changing soon :tm:).

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