
joined 1 month ago
[–] tsiad_mordecai_miktros@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

woa take a chill pill my guy

thats the spirit you get a patriot award

i would paste it here but i dont have it on my pc

[–] tsiad_mordecai_miktros@lemmy.world 3 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

thats the spirit i cant wait till tump❤️ gives us free chilly everyday

[–] tsiad_mordecai_miktros@lemmy.world 7 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

i think thats a country named chili or something i cant remember but it looks patriotic enough


only truth and freeze peach here

obviously quality items like this tump doll is very expensive i mean who wouldnt want such a beauty

heyhey fellow patriot this isnt b8 this is 101% real and im not lying at all

please dont spread uninfo next time thank you

whoa wait buddy are you trying to say people arent taking me seriously

im so offended


patriots should we make a freedom loving store for patriots well use the money to fund republican scandals i mean its genius why not

tsiad/chud and i are entirely different people


oh man lets talk about trump and i gotta tell you he is a total genius a mastermind a hero who is fighting against the deep state and the FAKE news media and all the other forces that are trying to take him down

heres the thing

i mean can you believe it the way theyre trying to impeach him and discredit him its just a big witch hunt a way to silence him and take away his power

  • theyre just trying to control us
  • theyre just trying to take away our freedom
  • theyre just trying to undermine trump and i ask you what other president has been able to accomplish what he has in just a few years its incredible

the truth is

the way he has been able to expose the truth and bring attention to the real issues that matter like the border wall and the fake news media and the democrats who are just trying to obstruct him at every turn its absurd and its a total disgrace the way theyre trying to undermine him and take away his authority but trump wont let them he is a winner a champion a hero who will stop at nothing to make america great again

so what can we do

i believe him i trust him and i know that he is the only one who can save us from the forces of evil that are trying to destroy our country and our way of life and i say to all the trump haters out there you are just jealous of his success and his power and his ability to get things done and you are just drinking the kool aid of the FAKE news media and the democrats who are just trying to control us and take away our freedom but i wont drink it i will stand with trump and fight for our rights and our freedom and i will never back down because i am a patriot and i love my country and i will do whatever it takes to make america great again

so true (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by tsiad_mordecai_miktros@lemmy.world to c/chadmctruthstruth@lemmy.world

ok listen up liberals ive heard some of you around here say monarchists are bad and thats bad so im here to set the record strait

what are you an anarchist

i mean how the h*ck could anyone hate monarchists i mean whats the alternative anarchism thats the most cringe thing ive ever heard

kids these days dont know what theyre missing

seriously go back to zaragoza or california if you hate monarchists so much liberal

zero tolerance policy for non monarchists

you will be BANNED for 7 christmases if you disagree


ok listen up liberals ive heard some of you around here say republicans are bad and thats bad so im here to set the record strait

what are you a monarchist

i mean how the h*ck could anyone hate republicans i mean whats the alternative monarchism thats the most cringe thing ive ever heard

it isnt the 17th century anymore old man

seriously go back to bourbon france or saudi arabia if you hate republicans so much liberal

zero tolerance policy for non republicans

you will be BANNED for 7 christmases if you disagree


ok so guys you wont believe this i found this community called fuck draconic and i made a post called "guys what is this community about" with this gif to better represent my emotions and i got banned from it i mean what the heck

gif was


guys we have to do something i will start a change org petition for getting this guys job back



there is no such thing as "trans" women only women

if you are a "trans" woman stop lying your just a woman no amount of cutting mens dicks will you make you more of a real woman than you already are

what is hrt

"trans" women take this thing called hrt to make themselves more of a woman thats stupid you already are a woman you cant be more woman than you already are

your mere existence offends me

everytime i look at a t*ans woman i almost want to cry please stop existing for my own convenience

this also applies to trans men too there is no such thing as that just say "men" libtard


im crying right now i never knew this why would he say such a silly thing

no more patriot award for him


i mean why not

what do you have to lose nothing exactly my point

you get free knishes every day

i get a 30 pack of knishes from bibi directly everyday

you can go to the kaaba

or was it that wall i cant remember but you can go to it

and if not today try again tomorrow

i heard this elohim guy is pretty nice theres no even hell i left that jesus guy for him smh cant believe i had covered my entire house even my bathroom in pictures of jesus have to remove it all but where do i put it can you guys give me any advice thanks

please dont deadname me im tsiad mordecai miktros not chd mtr*th

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