I have a Pixel 7, and I couldn't recommend it. I feel my Pixel 3a was much more responsive, and the bluetooth was much more reliable. The bluetooth on my P7 is frustratingly bad, it restarts randomly several times an hour. It took me almost an entire day to get the pixel 3 watch registered and configured because it kept restarting before the process could complete. I'm to the point where I may need to go back to wired headphones/cables w/ USB-C to 3.5mm adapter
There's the R360 Neptune which was originally a Soviet era anti-ship missle. Ukraine has since turned it into a land attack weapon. At this point I'm fairly confident Ukrainians could find a way to weaponize a rotten tomato if they had a large enough stockpile
I don't know what this pup is about to say, but I'm all ears
...should we...should we, give him an award for stopping familars before they can do their masters' bidding? I mean, that's really how the vampires maintain control over Hollywood and the banking system
That face:
I am not amused, identity theft is a crime Susan! 😂
There is/was a restaurant that offered IIRC $8/1 bowl, or $11 unlimited bowls (this was ~20 years ago). It was called BD's Mongolian BBQ, the crazy constructions I saw while eating there was ridiculous. Same goes for when we used to have Indian buffets (pre-COVID). I think the most insulting thing was that these were people who based on their dress, and the vehicles parked outside, did not seem to be hurting for money
NOTICE: Warranty VOID if clear protective plastic is removed from cockpit window
...but that's like 78% of why I got one
For me, it was Archer using any, and every, excuse to talk down to T'Pol. I'm not sure who was writing his character, but I would've preferred if they'd gone more towards Picard (TNG) or Pike (SNW), and less Kirk/Sisko. As the first human explorers in that part of space, I would preferred more reverence for what they were accomplishing, and less whining about Vulcans. The other characters were were way more enjoyable to watch
TNG and SNW captains brought/bring a sense of awe with their exploration of the unknown, Archer just seemed like a kid who's parents told him he couldn't have ice cream for dinner
how much the world they know
I heard some of them are able to have South Korean TV shows and movies smuggled in on flash drives. I only know this, because there are also stories of people being caught watching/in possession of the media and being sentenced to prison. Most recently I think 2 teenage boys were given 12 years hard labor
Unfortunately I grabbed my P7 just after it was released back in 2022, and google only provides a 1yr warranty. At least e-mail, and texting works, which are the two most important things I need the handset for