[-] xyguy@startrek.website 28 points 4 months ago

Mine is usually sheer horror at the prospect of getting that far and screwing up on an international stage. Secondhand anxiety is in the red zone.

[-] xyguy@startrek.website 25 points 8 months ago

That was my main take-away. You're the CEO of the company. If someone writes a mean blog post about your business so what? Fix the issues with the product if they are legitimate things that need fixing. Otherwise leave people alone. If something constitutes libel then sue. Otherwise it's just someones opinion which they are entitled to.

No I have a bad opinion about him as well (please don't reach out to me either).

[-] xyguy@startrek.website 24 points 8 months ago

Sometimes that even happens to me. And the reverse happens to me with Star Trek V. I remember it being better than it actually is.

[-] xyguy@startrek.website 20 points 11 months ago

Wow! Spoilers much?! I can't believe they spoiled the "Beer Ending" in the trailer...

I will say though that even though I know it will just be a text adventure, I kid of want to play it now.

[-] xyguy@startrek.website 23 points 1 year ago

This is the exact plot of Nothing but Trouble except the mayor in the movie is a literal dicknose.

[-] xyguy@startrek.website 22 points 1 year ago

Nonetheless, the Core i9-14900KS should peak around 320W like the Core i9-14900K, if not higher.

Best to look out for the bundle deal with the Mr. Fusion and the dry ice machine.

[-] xyguy@startrek.website 20 points 1 year ago

I swear to Kahless you are watching DS9 at the exact same pace as I am. Every time I see a watch an episode I see a meme from you the next day from it. It's crazy!

[-] xyguy@startrek.website 24 points 1 year ago

It will be interesting to see what sort of branding changes come from this. Will the WD Red blue and black names remain for the consumer parts? Will they change back to SanDisk? Will they go to something completely new like Toshiba did with Kioxia? Will their portable SSDs still break immediately after they get halfway full? Only time will tell.

[-] xyguy@startrek.website 27 points 1 year ago

As someone with literally thousands of hours in RCT 1 2 and 3 combined this looks genuinely awful to me.

OpenRCT2 (RCT2 Mod) has better animations and most likely more quality of life features. Really RCT1 looks better and smoother than this and it did so on a pentium 4 CPU in 2003.

I don't understand how a 24 year old game is making this new one look so awful. To be fair, Chris Sawyer captured lightning in a bottle for the first game, but come on! You're telling me a huge studio with millions of dollars and tops of personnel can't do better than this?


[-] xyguy@startrek.website 24 points 1 year ago

I've been running crunchbang++ on an older laptop since they updated to the latest Debian release.

I love how simple and speedy it is and since it's based on Debian 12 and GTK 4 I can still run all my software super easily.

It's also become my go-to live distro.

[-] xyguy@startrek.website 24 points 1 year ago

I felt the exact same way about Q after the first episode both as a character and as a concept for the show. They basically introduced God in the first episode of a science fiction show and he is annoying and arrogant.

But he is actually one of the best characters by the time the show is over and his all-powerful nature is toned down a little bit.

Season 1 is pretty goofy and inconsistent overall. Give it a chance and accept it for what it is and by season 4 the writing is some of the best in science fiction TV.

[-] xyguy@startrek.website 23 points 1 year ago

Let them fight.

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