I'm sure both are good, I've just heard Xen is better for isolation. I'll check out spectrum-os, although I am starting to get used to the NixOS monolithic kernel architecture, an linux OS with nixpkgs is the next best thing
Thanks for the feedback! I also asked a similar question on the ai stack exchange thread and got some helpful feedback there
It was a great project for brushing up on seq2seq modeling, but I decided to shelve it since someone released a polished website doing the same thing.
The idea was the vocabulary of music composition are chords and the sentences / paragraphs that are measures are sequences of chords or sequences of measures
I think it's a great project because the limited vocab size and max sequence length are much shorter than what is typical for transformers applied to LLM tasks like digesting novels for example. So for consumer grade harder (12GB VRam) it's feasible to train a couple different model architectures in tandem
Additionally, nothing sounds bad in music composition, it's up to the musician to find a creative way to make it sound good. So even if the model is poorly trained, so long as it doesn't output EOS immediately after BOS, and the sequences are unique enough, it's pretty hard to find something that isn't different that still works.
It's also fairly easy to gather data from a site like iRealPro
The repo is still disorganized, but if you're curious the main script is scrape.py
I'm not crazy about ads, it can be nice when they're effective for the right reasons. That said, a break in happened at my estate once and the only evidence I needed or could secure was because I left my phone at home that day
I'll look into LN more, I'm familiar with the centralization concerns (but still think they're able to be mitigate until more upgrades), but am not familiar with the costs you're bringing up. Fee estimators notoriously round up, I've never spent more than a dollar but that's anecdotal
BCH is still an attempt at centralization from bitmain, a company which literally installed kill switches in their miners without telling anyone, and ran botting attacks in /r/Bitcoin and /r/BTC during that fiasco - the hard fork they created is absolutely more centralized than Bitcoin
There will be a time to do something as risky as hard fork for a block size upgrade, but to do it for the sake of just one upgrade that serious doesn't make sense to me. If a hard fork must happen there might as well include other bips that necessitate a hard fork like drivechain.
Soft fork upgrades which enable more efficient algorithms like schnorr / SegWit in the meantime have scaled tps without having to waste block space. Bch is cheap because there's no demand or usage.
Fiat makes itself obsolete
Bitcoin cash was an attempt at centralized control by Jihan Wu. Just because the block size is bigger doesn't mean it's better for decentralization. In fact, the increased costs of maintaining a node just makes it harder for people in (typically poorer) oppressive countries to self verify
They are still increasing the TPS, lightning network isn't perfect, but it can scale beyond visa until more upgrades are implemented
Again, those are my ideals. Realistically, not everything can be decentralized in a trustless way.
That said, much of our current system of signing documents to verify it was done by a certain Identity can be automated. Enforcement and neorealism are a separate issue to mitigate, but the delegation of authority to humans can be automated without human involvement
After 6 months of trying to get this to work in NixOS I finally cracked and posted on discourse.nixos.org right before I figured out how to export the appropriate library in the shellHooks function, go figure
Yes, (most) everything is feasible in smaller populations (not nuclear maintenance for example). But without technology, they've been isolated, uncoordinated, and easily bullied by those larger organized authoritarian bodies. There are billions of people, and narcissists make up about 1 in 5 of those billions of people. A smaller subset lack basic empathy, and an even smaller subset are intellectually competent. Multiply whatever that probability is by billions of people, and you have a guaranteed concern for every single government on the planet.
I agree with wanting smaller businesses as well. Capitalism isn't bad (communism is state capitalism after all), but corporatism is the emerging problem from right libertarianism that most people conflate as problems with capitalism
My point being isn't that I don't like leftism, they are my ideals. I just don't believe we live in an ideal world, so practically I follow a different set of beliefs. Thay said, I do think leftism is compatible with libertarianism in a way that it can compete in the global arena. And that starts off with solving how a decentralized governmental body "identifies" one and only one person to their "identity" (otherwise you get Sybil attacks)
So, I emphasized trustless and decentralized in social organizations. "It just works for social media" isn't exactly addressing what I was getting at. For example, Lemmy has a bot account problem. All that freedom makes it harder to prevent that problem.
But if you're talking about how a government is a system of voting bodies that authorize some action given state (policy), and authority is delegated by some means - say, voting - then the botting problem of Lemmy is not just "something that doesn't work", it's a critical failure which would enable fraud.
So, when I brought up Sybil attacks, I was trying to avoid a long winded digression including arguments from Microsoft on Decentralized ID. But the point being, it can be decentralized. Policy is action given state but action is delegated to people inevitably. But when you vote, would you rather trust a person to count those votes or a trustless automated system?
Somewhere in the world is a billionaire that is passionate over the same fight you're passionate about. That's the billionaire you want to work with