He calls 'em like he sees 'em.
From the python docs:
Note that even in MULTILINE mode, re.match() will only match at the beginning of the string and not at the beginning of each line.
If you want to locate a match anywhere in string, use search() instead (see also search() vs. match()).
How the hell are you supposed to exit that?
That's when you play them the weirdest shit in your music library. It circles back around to wizardry.
It's just an old style of printing numbers. Look how the 3 has a descender.
When you go over to a baker's house and he "glazes" your "donut"
Bobby has created the opposite of art
One of my greatest fears is that there is a fourth dimension of space where they are watching us, only inches away. Waiting.
It is nearly Friday, my dudes.
Are you okay? You haven't touched your beanut putter cup.
There was a Reddit post a while back where they confirmed the OP was part of an A/B test to disable logging in to old.reddit.com on mobile. Not a great sign.
It says Pittsburgh, but 15102 is the zip code for Bethel Park