submitted 1 month ago by russandro@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

Decine di morti e feriti per i bombardamenti. “Piano dei Generali” per affamare il nord di Gaza

Uccisi 10 palestinesi in fila per il cibo a Jabalia. La Associated Press rivela il "Piano dei Generali" per affamare il nord di Gaza
L'articolo Decine di morti e feriti per i bombardamenti. “Piano dei Generali” per affamare il


Pagine del Manuale

Il recupero è avvenuto a seguito delle indagini iniziate nel 2021 dopo la denuncia di un furto presentata da un cittadino fiorentino al quale era stato sottratta da ignoti la “[b]De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Isignes”, manuale di botanica e medicina pubblicato a Basilea nel 1542 secondo gli studi del medico e botanico tedesco Leonhart Fuchs.

“Si tratta di un importante libro di botanica – riferisce il Maggiore Claudio Mauti, comandante del nucleo di Tutela Patrimonio Culturale dei carabinieri (TPC) di Firenze - che questa persona non ritrovava più nella sua collezione. Una ricerca che ci ha portato negli Usa perché a contatto con l'opera c'erano stati degli studiosi statunitensi risultati poi estranei ai fatti. Quindi nella nostra continua ricerca all'interno di aste online e vendite, abbiamo rintracciato l'opera che era finita nella disponibilità di un collezionista veneziano che non era a conoscenza dell'origine furtiva. Una ricerca che ci ha permesso di deferire 12 persone e alla quale ha collaborato l'Fbi”.


Tutto era cominciato nel 2018. Una famiglia benestante fiorentina assunto a lavorare un falegname fiorentino 50enne, il quale, lavori in corso, asportava via via dei libri di valore sostituendoli con altri di minore importanza.

Il falegname – per altro abile nel suo lavoro ufficiale – è stato poi assunto da altre famiglie proprietarie di lussuose dimore nobiliari. E qui sarebbe riuscito a mano a mano a portar via più di 600 opere che, sfruttando una rete di altre 11 persone costituita di commercianti e antiquari, riusciva a piazzar in tutto il mondo: Stati Uniti, Inghilterra, Emirati Arabi.

In un taccuino erano registrate le operazioni di vendita, che, ritrovato a seguito di una perquisizione, ha facilitato il lavoro degli investigatori.

Tra le opere rubate, numerose e pregevoli opere librarie, preziose ceramiche e vari dipinti, fra cui spiccano per importanza 4 piatti in ceramica bianca con decorazioni, recanti sul retro il timbro “Manifattura Ginori a doccia presso Firenze”, realizzate in esclusiva per la Presidenza della Repubblica italiana, un servizio in finissima porcellana con decorazioni in oro zecchino del 1820, un piatto della dinastia Ming tardo periodo Kangxi di fine XVII secolo, un dipinto raffigurante “bue” a firma Giovanni Fattori e l’opera libraria dal titolo “De Honesta Disciplina” con firma autografa di Giorgio Vasari.

Le opere saranno restituite ora ai proprietari, così come si tenterà di reimportarle altre, tramite il servizio Interpol, mediante azione stragiudiziale, per alcune legittimamente acquistate da ignari collezionisti stranieri.

#ArmadeiCarabinieri #TPC #FBI


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submitted 1 month ago by ferrante@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

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submitted 1 month ago by ferrante@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

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L'articolo Le morti dimenticate

submitted 1 month ago by russandro@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

GAZA. Decine di morti e feriti per i bombardamenti. Nel nord da giorni non entrano aiuti

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submitted 1 month ago by russandro@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

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submitted 1 month ago by russandro@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

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submitted 1 month ago by russandro@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

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submitted 1 month ago by Moonrise2473@feddit.it to c/news@feddit.it

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submitted 1 month ago by russandro@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

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submitted 1 month ago by gifanimale@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

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submitted 1 month ago by russandro@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

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submitted 1 month ago by gifanimale@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

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submitted 1 month ago by russandro@poliverso.org to c/news@feddit.it

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submitted 1 month ago by jagged_circle@feddit.nl to c/news@feddit.it

Issa Amro / Youth Against Settlements - Right Livelihood


Issa Amro / Youth Against Settlements


"For their steadfast nonviolent resistance to Israel's illegal occupation, promoting Palestinian civic action through peaceful means."

Issa Amro is a Palestinian human rights activist who has dedicated his life to peaceful resistance against Israeli occupation in the West Bank city of Hebron. Together with the activist group he founded, Youth Against Settlements (YAS), he has become a leading voice in the non-violent movement, striving to create a future where Palestinians live freely and with dignity. His efforts have garnered international recognition, and his strict commitment to non-violence stands in stark contrast to the violent realities of the Israeli occupation.

Amro and YAS have successfully mobilised local communities and international allies to resist the ongoing Israeli occupation through peaceful means. YAS plays an essential role in documenting human rights violations, organising protests, and supporting local communities in Hebron who live under constant threats and attacks from Israeli settlers and military forces. The group's initiatives have also served as an inspiration for non-violent resistance in other Palestinian cities under Israeli occupation.

Amro and the group have been under constant pressure from settlers, the Israeli military and also the Palestinian Authority. Amro has been detained, tortured, attacked on the streets, evicted from home and subjected to judicial harassment. However, he has kept his unwavering commitment to non-violent resistance, which he sees as the only way to achieve justice and peace for the people of Palestine.

I have three choices: to use violence and I will be the hero of Palestine for one month; to accept to live under occupation and accept to be a slave; or to fight the occupation using non-violent resistance. So you choose: everybody would choose to fight using non-violence.

Issa Amro, 2024 Laureate


Issa Amro is a Palestinian human rights activist and founder of Youth Against Settlements, a grassroots group committed to non-violent resistance against Israeli occupation in the West Bank. Amro's work has earned him international recognition for his steadfast commitment to peace despite facing relentless violence and oppression from settlers, the Israeli military and the Palestinian Authority.

Hebron: A Microcosm of the Oppression

The Palestinian territory of the West Bank has been subjected to Israeli military occupation since the 1967 Six-Day War. The settlements are illegal under international law, a determination which was strengthened in July 2024, when the top UN court issued an advisory opinion concluding that Israel's occupation, settlements, and annexation of Palestinian territories are unlawful. The court also noted that Israeli measures were in breach of the international prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid.

The city of Hebron is one of the most contested areas in the West Bank, with about 800 Israeli settlers living under heavy military protection amidst more than 200,000 Palestinian residents. The Israeli military and settlers occupy 20 per cent of the city, known as Area H2, leaving the Palestinian population in constant confrontation with settlers and soldiers. For Palestinians in Hebron, daily life is marked by checkpoints, curfews, restricted movement, and frequent violence, creating a climate of fear and uncertainty.

The city's core, including the historically significant Shuhada Street, remains closed to Palestinians, contributing to deep economic and social hardships. The Israeli settlers, many of whom are extremists, frequently harass Palestinians, exacerbating tensions. These settlers, backed by the Israeli military, operate with near impunity, often assaulting Palestinian residents and confiscating their property.

The situation has significantly worsened since the Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7, 2023, and Israel's nearly year-long military offensive in Gaza. In the West Bank, more than 600 Palestinians have been killed and thousands detained as of September 2024, according to the UN. The Israeli military has been constantly increasing closures and limitations on movement.

Amro's Path to Activism

Born in 1980, Amro spent his early life studying -- and on the football pitch -- with dreams of becoming an engineering professor. However, several key events, including the 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque massacre, where an Israeli extremist opened fire at a Hebron mosque killing 29 people and injuring 125, opened his eyes to the harsh realities of Israeli settler terror and led him to seek ways to contribute to the Palestinian cause.

The 2003 closure of his university, Palestine Polytechnic University, during the Second Intifada was a turning point for Amro. What started as a desire to continue his studies became a movement, as he led fellow students in a six-month civil disobedience campaign to reopen the university, marking the beginning of his lifelong commitment to activism.

"I managed to reopen the university with other students," Amro said. "I graduated as an engineer and as an activist: it became part of my character."

After university, Amro joined the Israeli human rights organisation B'Tselem, which has long been involved in documenting human rights violations in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.

Founding Youth Against Settlements

In 2007, Amro established YAS, aiming to give Palestinians a stronger voice in the struggle against the occupation. The group's primary goal is to mobilise Palestinians of all ages, but especially the youth, to resist the Israeli occupation peacefully and to reject the use of violence. YAS quickly became a unifying force for Palestinians from various political backgrounds, promoting unity and peaceful resistance without aligning with any political party.

The group's work includes documenting injustices and providing legal support to Palestinians. They also organise protests, raise global attention by giving advocacy tours for international delegations, and support local families in Hebron through home repairs and community-building initiatives. As of 2024, YAS was operating with about 25 activists.

Innovative Use of Non-Violent Methods

From the beginning, Amro has been committed to non-violence as the most effective means of resisting the occupation. He studied global non-violent movements, particularly those led by Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and fellow Right Livelihood Laureate Gene Sharp, and used their methods to shape YAS's strategy.

One of YAS's most significant achievements has been the Open Shuhada Street Campaign, which commemorates the 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque massacre and calls for the reopening of the city's main street, which remains closed to Palestinians. This campaign has gained international attention, with hundreds of actions and protests organised globally each year.

Another innovative programme has been the Camera Distribution Project, which Amro began in 2006 while still working for B'Tselem. Aiming to distribute 20,000 cameras to Palestinian families in Hebron, Amro encouraged them to document the violence they faced from Israeli settlers and soldiers. Initially, many families were hesitant, fearing that using cameras would make them targets. However, as the project gained traction and more incidents of violence were captured on film, it became a powerful tool for exposing the occupation to the world. Today, the culture of documentation has become widespread in Hebron, with residents using smartphones to capture abuses and seek to hold Israeli forces accountable. To this day, Amro trains university students on how and what to film while also urging them to capture their daily lives, including the things they enjoy.

In 2019, YAS launched another initiative, replacing the UN's Temporary International Presence in Hebron after the international observer group was expelled by Israel. YAS volunteers donned blue vests and escorted Palestinian children to school to protect them from settler attacks, continuing the work of international observers with limited resources but great determination. While opposed by both Israeli forces and the Palestinian Authority, this project gained wide international attention and praise. In addition to his work in Hebron, Amro has helped establish a broader movement for non-violence across Palestine. YAS's success in Hebron inspired similar initiatives in other cities like Ramallah, Jenin, and Nablus. Amro has also engaged in international advocacy, meeting with diplomats, journalists, and human rights organisations worldwide to raise awareness about the occupation. His efforts have led to increased international solidarity and Hebron being recognised as a symbol of Israeli occupation.

Facing Violence, Eviction and Legal Battles

Despite Amro's commitment to peaceful resistance, he has faced numerous challenges from both the Israeli military and the Palestinian Authority (PA) while being constantly harassed by Israeli settlers.

Amro has been frequently arrested and tortured by the Israeli military. On October 7, 2023, Amro was detained, beaten, and tortured by Israeli soldiers, even though he has always been an outspoken critic of Hamas and has no affiliation with the group. Later that month, he was forcibly evicted from his house by the Israeli military, only to return after a legal battle.

Amro has also faced numerous legal charges. Palestinians in the West Bank are prosecuted through Israeli military courts, where they have a nearly 100 per cent conviction rate, according to the UN. At the same time, Israelis are tried in civilian courts. Despite the rigged judicial system, Amro has won several legal victories, including, most recently, a defamation case against an Israeli right-wing organisation that falsely accused him of terrorism ties.

He has often been a target of the PA, as well. In 2017, Amro was detained and tortured by the PA for his outspoken stance on the need for reforms and democracy within the Palestinian leadership. They have tried to discredit him by saying that he was a spy for European countries. Amro said that defending the voice of Palestinians -- also against the Palestinian leadership, which he calls corrupt -- was a principle for him.

Amro has survived multiple physical assaults by settlers. Living next door to them, Amro is subject to daily harassment and insults, conducted under the protection of the Israeli military. Despite these attacks, Amro has continued his work, noting that it's been the international recognition that has most likely kept him alive.

"It's a miracle that I still exist," he said. "It's a miracle that [I am] not killed, not arrested, not giving up."

A Vision for the Future

In December 2023, Amro's brother Ahmad, a key figure in YAS, passed away from a heart attack, leaving Amro with a profound sense of responsibility to continue their shared mission. Despite the violence and repression he faces daily, Amro remains optimistic about the future. He continues to advocate for Palestinian unity, a new Palestinian leadership, and peaceful resistance against the Israeli occupation.

Looking forward, Amro is focused on expanding YAS's work, particularly its community initiatives. The group has already established the Karamati Women's Center to empower Palestinian women through leadership and education programmes and is planning to open a youth centre. Amro also works on opening a cinema in Hebron to promote cultural expression and resistance through art.

Throughout these initiatives, Amro is working to keep global attention on the Palestinian cause and ensure the existence of Palestinian families in Hebron.

"When the kids come to me in the street, shake my hand, hug me and say good things to me, I feel that I'm doing something right to change their future," he said.

Amro's dedication to non-violence, in the face of brutal occupation, has made him a symbol of hope for Palestinians and the global community: Amro's message of peace and resistance against oppression continues to inspire people striving for justice around the world.


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