Season 2 - TheTVDB
For all things Futurama
Rule 1: Don't be a jerkwad!
Rule 2: Alternate video links to be linked in a comment, below the original video.
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TheTVDB has the episodes ordered five different ways: Aired Order, DVD Volumes, Absolute Order, Streaming Order, and Production Order. Your link is for the order in which it was aired.
Maybe you want the DVD Volume order? https://thetvdb.com/series/futurama/seasons/dvd/2
Why so many orders? Why is streaming different?
Certain networks, especially Fox, have the tendency to air episodes in a different order than production might have intended. They did this with Futurama, Firefly, American Dad!, etc. As such, you'll get different episode orders between broadcast and DVD/Blu-ray.
The streaming order is different for Futurama because the four direct-to-disc movies were broken into "episodes" for Season 6 for streaming... They might have also aired on Comedy Central in that format.
What a mess. Thank you for the explanation.