A Community for people to create posts with GIFs, MP4s or WEBPs - anything that's animated and reasonably short.
Images can be often be hosted directly on Lemmy, or on external sites such as https://imgur.com or https://catbox.moe.
Mostly how it updates constantly, the stupid promo pop-up, the way offline mode is implemented, it's kind of ugly. But yeah, it works and everyone else sucks even more, so that's why they're on top.
And the Steam deck is amazing as well, and they're the only ones that actually did something to make Linux gaming sort of mainstream.
You can disable the promo pop up
You can disable the promo pop-up through settings - interface - uncheck: "Notify me about additions or changes to my games, new releases, and upcoming releases."
The updates can be annoying but if it provides me a stable experience and added features I'm okay with it. It doesn't take that long anyways.
I think you can customize the interface, but I never looked in to it.
FYI, you can disable the pop-up in settings.