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I hate to steal the thread but how good are gardens really?
I never learned how to make proper advantage of them. Obviously they have some loot, and there's the invisibility thing but every time I wanted to use it as a resting place mobs always found me what felt as just as easily as anywhere. But the fact that they get auto marked in the list of visited places tells me they should be valuable enough to return to, similar to alchemy labs, but they don't seem to be. But then again, maybe I'm just missing something.
(The Rejuvenating Steps part is great but any patch of grass can do that.)
The invisibility helps in avoiding enemies. Walk away twice from a mob that's spotted you and they'll lose sight of you. Every time that you back away from a mob, while you're in the garden, you can make a sneak attack, so it's easy to kill enemies there.
With the huntress and her bow, ideally you want to bow down enemies before they reach the garden. Without a wand of warding, I just pass turns while keeping an eye on the doors in the adjoining room. A door that suddenly opens may indicate an mob entering the room and ready to be shot at. I'll start shooting once I think they've reached my line of fire and if there's no hit after a few shots, it could be that a mob spawned in the room and was exiting instead.
For other classes, resting in the garden may be a detriment. The time spent holing up in a garden could've been used to explore; potentially finding useful items. It's rare that I eat and heal in the garden with the other classes.