Develop into your own beautiful human, first. A lot of dudes are mid at best; myself included

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[-] Vilian@lemmy.ca 88 points 3 weeks ago

that advice is completely valid for men too, hell, the amount of male friends that i have that are felling alone and think that getting a girlfriend gonna fix that, fuck that, and they fuck woman friendship because they "fall in love" with any woman that give them attention, and they still refuse to listen to me when i say to them to improve themselves that love gonna come naturally, it's tiring, and i say that as a man who also sometimes feel alone and also mistaken attention with love, i just learned from advice that i read and i'm feeling a lot better, why, why they are such morons

[-] Track_Shovel@slrpnk.net 38 points 3 weeks ago

It's because societal norms don't teach boys and men the proper way to deal with emotions. It's more implied we will be fine or know how to deal with them, and generally not a lot of room for guys to explore them.

There's also a push for guys to be competitive, achieve, etc. which conditions us to seek more of the positive emotions that come with 'victory'. That thinking quickly can become an echo chamber inside your head, with all kinds of negative things associated with it; the least of which is 'I am worthless unless I achieve'.

The world would be a much better place if guys were in tune with their inner feelings, knew how to deal with them, and weren't terrified of being vulnerable around others. This also applies to women, but from my vantage point, to a lesser degree

[-] kofe@lemmy.world 8 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, if you know a anyone that can't just spontaneously cry when they're hurt, that's a major indicator they've been abused. We evolved tear ducts for a reason. Crying let's others see we need comfort. Everyone deserves that.

[-] Tyfud@lemmy.world 11 points 3 weeks ago

Spot on. For years I had my self worth valued based on the women I was with/dating.

After a divorce and string of bad relationships/breakups, I realized the issue was, largely, because of me. I wasn't focused and invested in myself enough to be comfortable without a partner in my life. Which made me desperate, and that comes across and attracted the wrong sort of women to me, as well as kept my self worth artificially low so I allowed myself to be abused by others in the relationships.

Spend time on yourself and being comfortable being alone. Be happy alone first. Then look for opportunities to meet people who can enhance your happiness, but not be the source of your happiness, if that makes any sense. That's how good relationships work I finally learned.

[-] Vilian@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 weeks ago

Happy for you! That's what I aim for, be happy alone, I already had a bad relationship and I learned that if i valued myself I would had jump out way sooner, ironically I would have suggested to any woman with half the relationship problems mine had to terminate immediately, and that's where I learned that I value the happiness and well being of others but not myself

[-] Randomgal@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 weeks ago

It's not about being morons. It's about needs. It is rough to develop emotional intelligence, if you aren't even sure if you'll be paying rent this month.

This does not apply just to men, though. But I'd add that an additional complicating issue for men is the lack of emptional-education and social-practice that the patriarchy expects from women.

this post was submitted on 21 Sep 2024
501 points (93.0% liked)

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