The world is divided into two factions: humans and monsters called katawara. Despite being a katawara, Tama loves humans and vows to protect them from evil, even if it means fighting her own kind. Her brother Jinka, however, hates humans, despite mostly being one. The siblings are joined by a cowardly swordsman named Shinsuke, who wants to learn how to become strong.
When the group uncovers a plot to experiment on humans and transform them into monsters, they vow to defeat whoever is behind it... Even if it means battling an entire army of warriors.
The people they meet, places they see, and creatures they battle will be legendary!
Holy shit seriously!? This is one of my favorite manga. I really hope it gets a better adaptation than all of his other works. I'm also a bit worried that people will fall off of watching it early on since the first act can feel fairly generic at times, even though the second act is amazing.
The trailer has me feeling cautiously optimistic that the action will be better than Biscuit Hammer's adaptation, but I'm still a bit worried. This author writes amazing manga but they've all gotten fairly poor anime adaptations. 3 cour is a good sign though, they probably won't rush it.
Its being animated by White Fox, the same studio who made stuff like Re Zero.