How the seasons work in the UK
No foul language - i.e. French 🤮
Obviously satire, dozy wankers
If it makes you feel better the four seasons in Cali are Summer, Wildfire, Mudslide, and Earthquake.
On the bright side my buddy from Hull lets me know when he takes his yearly vacation via pictures of ducks.
You've got us beat. We've got rainy summer, brisket summer, hurricane summer, and a week of ice that no one is prepared for.
My favorite is brisket summer.
Brisket Summer is best summer! I have friends in Texas that were telling me about grapefruit sized hail years back. We’ll get hail every once in a blue moon, but they’re more a whimsical pea sized variety haha
I never know what the hell is going to fall out of the sky here, but I've got a brisket in the freezer to either cook before to get me through it or to cook after to help me recover from it.
Lucky, you get 4 seasons!? Here in South Florida we get "holy fuck it's so hot!" with hurricanes, and "oh, this is kinda nice" with hurricanes.
When you feel like London but look like Hull
Are you actually from California?
Yes? Not sure why I’d lie about that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Most Californians don’t call it Cali.